I’ve updated @[email protected] to remember the whole tree of comments when replying to you, so it can do follow-up responses. You still have to mention it on every message, though. Example in the comments.
I’ve updated @[email protected] to remember the whole tree of comments when replying to you, so it can do follow-up responses. You still have to mention it on every message, though. Example in the comments.
Is it at least making sense or is it making stuff up?
It’s screwed up a couple times. For example, the bit about “by the properties of limits you can interchange the limits” is hilariously untrue.
Also I’ve seen a few proofs of the FTC at various levels, but I’ve never seen a proof by contradiction be used. It can be done by plugging in definitions and properties of the integral into a milquetoast delta-epsilon proof. It’s less than a page for both theorems in “baby Rudin.” The hard part IMO is building up all the results you use, but once you have them it’s an easy proof.