Been high nonstop for years. I realize it’s bad for my health. But at least being high feels good.

My future is on a planet becoming increasingly unhabitable, under a government becoming increasingly fascist, doing nothing but working and still not being able to afford rent or food, never traveling, never making real friends much less finding a life partner, water quickly becoming a luxury, and with zero chance of ever retiring.

So why even bother?

    2 months ago

    Great advice.

    I would also add, it’s not necessary to go in to those tasks planning to complete the entire thing. If the prospect of doing all of washing, drying, folding, and putting away the laundry sounds exhausting or intimidating or otherwise executive-dysfunction-inducing, that’s fine. Start by just starting; putting some laundry in the washing machine can be a satisfying task all on its own. And maybe by the time it’s done, starting step two of the process won’t seem so daunting.

    Sometimes, if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly.