I am against student loan repayments. A plumber should not be paying for your gender studies degree.

    • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      That’s not your money anymore. It’s the government’s.

      The government should be better stewards of the money they’ve confiscated from their citizens.

      While the loan companies took advantage of students by charging high interest rates on loans that must be paid back. It’s not the government’s job to reward the loan companies by paying the loans or the students who accepted those terms.

        • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
          11 months ago

          I dont think you know what confiscated means, taking something from someone against their will illegally is called theft, taking something from someone legally is called confiscation.

          It’s not Biden’s role to determine this either, the courts have all ready told him what he’s doing is illegal.

          Money is not created with this move, the same amount of money will be in the economy either way, other things go unfunded to pay irresponsible people’s debts.

            • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
              11 months ago

              So you’ve proven you don’t know what confiscation is, twice. More than the government can confiscate, it doesn’t have to be perminanent, and compensation does not factor in. A teacher can confiscate a toy from a child and give it back at the end of the day. In 1934 FDR signed the gold reserve act and all privately owned gold was confiscated, the gold owners were reimbursed but that doesn’t change that their gold was confiscated.

              There is no student loan forgiveness law or even a bill, so I don’t need to contact my congressmen. It’s just one man who is breaking the law with his edicts.

              the irresponsible parties were the lenders who should not have lent this money in the first place those who couldn’t pay for it. The risk was theirs to take, not the ill-informed people they took advantage of.

              The lenders were many things but irresponsible is not one of them. Student loans have to be paid back, bankruptcy doesn’t get rid of the debt. Signing things you don’t understand is irresponsible, expecting others to pay your debt is irresponsible.

              Ciataions for what? The definition of confiscate? That there is not infinate money? That there is no student loan forgiveness law?

                • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
                  11 months ago

                  gave you the legal definition of confiscate. You whining about that doesn’t change the facts.

                  Except when you claimed it couldn’t be confiscation because it was legal.

                  And I explained how the student loans would be paid back. You whining about that doesn’t change that either.

                  You said the government will pay the loans… I’m not sure why you think that’s profound. You also made claims that paying student loans would help the economy but your limited grasp of the economy and understanding of finite resources has stopped you from explaining how.

                  Taxation is the subscription fee you pay for living in a society. Like Netflix, you may not like every show produced, but to have access you have to pay the subscription fee. If you don’t like the subscription fee for living in this society, then leave.

                  You seem really hung up on taxes, my problem is not with taxes but with using them to pay people’s personal debts.

    • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOP
      11 months ago

      Considering the rich pay the most taxes. Why shouldn’t they get a cut?

      The rich do pay their fair share as I’ve cited many times. I talk about spending cuts all the time.