A simple shaker style table in white oak, finished with spar urethane and kitty approved.

The breadboard ends on the panels were an education on this one; on the top they aren’t strictly necessary, but I felt they were needed on the lower panel so that the movement of that captive panel wouldn’t rack the legs. Found out I prefer making the tongues with a router rather than the dado set on the table saw.

  • Captain AggravatedOP
    11 months ago

    It’s kind of the opposite with Miss Chiff; she’s a tiny cat, she topped out at 8.2 pounds, and she’s actually quite athletic. But it just doesn’t seem to have occurred to her that she could jump 6 to 8 feet straight up. I’ve never seen her jump much higher than a couch arm in a single bound. She’ll make multiple jumps to get up somewhere.