My thumb doesn’t bend like that
You know how you make me watch your show? Put Walton Goggins in it!
Been on nights for 5 years and I’ve never smiled nor given a thumbs up…
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You don’t have to snort them all, there’s other places to absorb energy drinks.
Who drink 3 energy drinks a day ?
People that want to die faster
Depends on if it’s 3 smol 0,33 ones or the big 0,5 ones or even the 0,533 ones.
My record is around 5.
Personnally i never drink more than 1 per day, and not everyday
Oooo that dropped yesterday I totally forgot! I love me some Goggins. Also really enjoyed fallout 4, have come back to it a few times.
The set design and practical effects are amazing. Only watched the first episode, but I’m hooked.
Yea I watched the trailer, if nothing else seems like it is going look awesome.
Do it for decades and the status flips
Silence brand