• Eldritch@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Because most of these things pay to get popular. I am a very tech savvy person. Have been using Linux since the early 1990s. I had sign-ins on every major instant message network and many people have never heard of. The first day I ever heard of Twitter. Was when they all the sudden started pushing it on cable news. Back in the late aughts. It was nowhere and then it was everywhere. And there was definitely some money behind the publicity. There’s a reason things like Mastodon get very little coverage. There’s no money behind it. Which is exactly the reason many people use it. But it limits who gets exposed to it. So if he pay a bunch of money to get your product in front of the eyes of a bunch of people even if it gets popular. It may not get popular enough to cover the cost of the advertising and money invested in equipment.