Which one is easier to develop and work with (which saves the most time)? Which one would you go for? The name of the API represents its true purpose in this case by the way, createOrUpdate creates or updates the passed in meeting and create just creates the meeting. I will be the only one working on this project for now, although obviously, I would like others to work on it with me eventually.

  • sbv
    1 year ago

    It depends on the situation.

    ‘createOrUpdate’ looks like the kind of function that would be called with all of the meeting properties, optionally including the meeting ID, so you could create an INSERT OR UPDATE statement. Perhaps this would be behind an API, where the fronting UI is easier to write if there’s no difference between creating and updating - maybe HTML?

    ‘create’ looks more like it would create a new object that you would set the properties of before storing. This looks like it would be called by a UI that sets individual fields - maybe a rich UI.