Lynsi Snyder is expanding the family-run California chain as far east as Tennessee. But as for the East Coast? “I’m probably saying never.”

In-N-Out isn’t your typical burger joint, and it insists expanding its footprint won’t change that.

For nearly eight decades, the West Coast restaurant chain has remained a private, family-owned company that has cultivated fiercely loyal customers and a quirky identity despite being located in just a handful of states. But recently it’s been on a growing spree that will soon extend as far east as Tennessee.

Since Lynsi Snyder took over as the California-based company’s president in 2010, its size has nearly doubled, from 230 stores in four states to 402 in eight. In-N-Out Burger is opening in Washington, its ninth state, with New Mexico and Tennessee to follow.

Snyder said she’s still cautious about expanding too far or too fast and remains focused on keeping prices lower than competitors’. Even before taking the reins, she said she “felt such an obligation to look out for our customer. When everyone else was taking these jumps, we weren’t.”

    11 months ago

    Do you honestly think a jack in the box or McDonald’s burger is better?

    I admit I am biased. When I was a kid they were only in Southern California and we would always get them when visiting family down there. I 100% have some nostalgia bias. But objectively they have high quality ingredients and are prepared well to your liking. A lot of people complain about the fries (you can order them light well or well), but fries made from potatoes rather than some abomination invented in a lab are a selling point in my book.

    • Kernal64
      11 months ago

      Are McDonald’s burgers better? No. Are Wendy’s? Yes. I haven’t had Jack in the Box in almost 10 years (none in my area), so I can’t compare them directly.

      Their fries seem like their burgers to me: good, but not remarkable. They’re certainly better than BK fries and the current Wendy’s fries (the old Wendy’s fries were better).

      I’m not sure what you mean about the lab thing, though. The vast majority of the fries I’ve had have just been sliced and fried potatoes.

        11 months ago

        Culver’s, Habit, Smashburger, Five Guys. I don’t eat out much, but even I can easily name several off the top of my head.

        11 months ago

        McDonald’s burgers better? No. Are Wendy’s? Yes

        Maybe it’s the one you tried or something but, no, not by a long shot, at least not on average.

        What makes In n Out better is the freshness of everything. Crispy fresh lettuce, crunchy quality pickle, thick cut fresh not slimy tomatoes, etc. It’s basically a fast food version of the small town burger joints you see everywhere in California. Everyone heres got their local burger joint with quality ingredients, In n Out is basically a step down off of that in chain form. I’d almost classify most fast food burgers as one “kind” and In-N-Out/joint places as another with how vastly different they are despite being the same ingredients.

        Wendy’s is one of the better fast food burgers but if you prefer it then it’s likely the grease and salt and other addictive stuff in them. Or the bacon. I can get behind the bacon being a plus.