I love being triple booked and having two pm’s annoyed that I didn’t turn up… “bitch isn’t scheduling half your job? Did you not check if I was available?”
You know it’s getting bad when the PMs don’t bother. They know you’re perma-fucked. The this-is-fine meme has so much meaning when you live it.
Time to find a new job
The best part of starting a new job is that you don’t have years of built up “status checkins” that we’re never cancelled for some reason.
I have a Funko Pop of the “This is Fine” dog on my desk at work because there are times where I’m really feeling that way.
I’ve worked at so many places where there are multiple mid-level managers with overlapping responsibilities and staff. It just leads to conflicting orders and the people who get in trouble when things don’t get done are the workers and never the managers who issued impossible tasks.
I swear the Outlook and Teams groups at Microsoft are competing for worst product ever. And the Windows group was like, “hold our beer.”
How do you feel about onedrive?
Is my file in onedrive? Or on disk? Or is it in sharepoint? Or it could be in a teams chat - but isn’t that just sharepoint? I sent it to Tom also, but it was already in sharepoint because I had sent it to Jim, so it re-named it to something else. Where in sharepoint are my teams files? Or the teams files others have sent me? Is this actually an attachment on my email or is it a “shared link” in disguise?
I’m not sure what’s real anymore!
It’s better than Windows
At least outlook can right click for spellcheck. Wait, actually it can’t do that.
At least you can download your email attachments to a folder? Wait actually you can’t do that either.
At least the 15-minute meeting warnings still pop up consistently? Oh. Oh no.
“Are you sure you want to post this comment? Would you like to upload to sharepoint and send a link instead?”
No outlook I would not like that, I would never like that
I scheduled another meeting at 10. It’s about the meeting we had at 8:30. Productivity is down and we need to figure out why. We may need some additional meetings in the afternoon.
The meetings will continue until productivity goes up!
We’ll get to the bottom of this damnit even if it takes a hundred meetings!
But have you thought about putting your Microsoft password in recently? We need it again this week.