• Treeniks
    252 months ago

    TL;DR: Devs asked their Twitter if they wanted to see 150% breast jiggle physics, deleting the tweet and apologizing after some backlash, which in turn got them more backlash from the other side for caving in.

    It was rather obviously meant as a joke, so I’m confused about what people were mad at. Did they think they actually intended it to be included in the game? I would’ve just liked to see that gif, sounds funny af.

    • Flyberius [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      It’s so on brand for the gaming industry I’m not at all surprised that people took it seriously.

      As for being hilarious, I think it would have been a much funnier if they’d done cock jiggle physics. Turn it on it’s head.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        I think you’re on to something actually. Back when Saints Row 3 came out I read an article explaining how it’s childish irreverence toward gender was actually sort of progressive. In character creation there is a boob slider and a dick slider (with insane proportions for both), character voice doesn’t have to match the body type, there are no gender restrictions on clothing, characters are available to romance no matter your gender, etc.

        Basically the game was so unrestrained and goofy that it subverted some uncomfortable gaming tropes like boob sliders by just letting players do whatever they wanted and not taking it too seriously.

        • Tekhne
          12 months ago

          I love Saints Row IV. Such a silly game; great way to just fuck around and blow off some steam.

    • William
      122 months ago

      It seems pretty clear to me that they definitely intended to include breast jiggle physics at some level, and they decided that that was something that should be decided by the community. That would indicate to most casual readers that it’s a priority for the devs. If they didn’t realize that would strike a chord with both the pro-sexualization and anti-sexualization people, they weren’t thinking at all.

      This looks like a cutesy, cozy game that probably shouldn’t even have jiggle physics. If they really wanted it in there, they should have just done it and said nothing. The “nasty people” they don’t want to “attract” would have appreciated the jiggle, and everyone else would have just ignored it.

      The devs brought it into the spotlight and it got talked about. I’m not surprised at that outcome at all.

      • Treeniks
        42 months ago

        Probably wasn’t clear on that. I meant the 150% thing being a joke, not the jiggle physics. People having a problem with the inclusion of realistic jiggle physics is something that I didn’t even consider tbh…

        • William
          32 months ago

          Yeah, I got that the 150% was a joke. But I think the meat of the uproar wasn’t the joke, but the whole situation of posting this for the community as if it’s an important thing to decide. The joke didn’t help, either, as it shows they weren’t taking this seriously, further enraging people.

          Sweeping it under the rug then rubbed everyone the wrong way.

          Done well, I think “jiggle-physics” actually call less attention the chest, as it doesn’t look unnatural. The games that get noticed aren’t implementing it that way, though, so it gets a bad rap.

          • kingthrillgore
            2 months ago

            Anytime I see unrealistic boob physics I just point out that they need a sports bra, because that usually fixes the issue in real life. It is distracting but I don’t care.

            The amount of fucking hate and vitriol that appearance and shit like this gets from everyone involved on social media is the literal definition of “pointless squabble” and people can act like, well, people are passionate about games like any other media. No they aren’t. Gamers are dumbasses, and they’re being played like fiddles by someone. If you don’t like it, you can play so many other games.