Yeah. Year ago I decided to take my money (over $800 including all checkups and gas) and make myself childfree.

Did doctor asked me am I sure? Yes Do I regret it? Hell no!

I had an internal giggle when I saw smoke coming from where my balls are (since procedure was painless)

Sometimes people tell me it wasn’t smart, but they have kids so I ignore them.

I really hate the thought of having children :)

  • richieadler 🇦🇷
    5 个月前

    I’d add:

      1. Are you willing to raise a child that exceeds your expectations, is better than you and is willing to break your mold and work for a better world for everybody, even if that means disagreeing deeply with you?

    If you’re not, you’re contributing to the world going to hell in a hand basket, and you shouldn’t procreate.