“Yeah, mid drive is cool but have you tried leg drive?”

  • @[email protected]
    1314 days ago

    This feels more like an ad than an actual review. There is hardly any details about the exoskeleton and the person testing it had the least rigorous process imaginable. One of the tests is climbing stairs with and without the exoskeleton once and then the “assessment” is just how they feel about how it worked.

    • _haha_oh_wow_OPM
      213 days ago

      “I’d be an Adrienne Barbeaubot!”

  • HubertManne
    313 days ago

    Reading this. Finally. Its more about endurance. I guess I could see it useful for soldiers but as a pedestrian the limits of walking comes down to speed. I did a 3mile commute by walking and that is about the limit before I really need to use a bike as it just takes to long. Now biking is fast enough that if I get to sorta my time limit of getting somewhere, which for me is an hour, I could use the endurance or lack of fatigue I can get from an electric bike.

    • _haha_oh_wow_OPM
      113 days ago

      I could see this being handy for lots of things, potentially anyways.