• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    So let me get this right, since I‘m not from the US and don‘t understand all the laws nor what exactly was happening here.

    This DEA officer is seeking immunity, not because he killed a suspect or a criminal, but an innocent mother. Well, it was an accident and he was speeding and not paying attention to everything and anyone but not because he was in pursuit, but he was trying to catch up with the rest of his team.

    What a fucking coward.

    Edit: Oh yeah and all that for a single dealer.

    • _haha_oh_wow_OP
      242 months ago

      Yeah, qualified immunity is super fucked up and protects all sorts of horrific stuff.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        52 months ago

        Yup, we need to explicitly abolish it. I’m happy to pay good officers more if that’s what we need to attract good public servants, but I have no sympathy for the power-hungry officers who abuse qualified immunity.