• TWeaK
    362 months ago

    Registration wall.

    This article almost frames it as Ukraine’s fault for changing. Ukraine shouldn’t have to compromise with Russia at all.

    • @[email protected]
      72 months ago

      I disagree with your interpretation.

      The author does say that Ukraine has been changing for 10 years, since the 2014 Maidan that threw Yanukovych out.

      Thanks to their successful revolution, they have socially developed along a very different path than Russia’s other vassal states, even if Putin and his oligarchs don’t understand that.

      By noting the Trident tattoo on his veterinarian’s wrist, he’s saying there’s a new pride that the Ukrainians are showing for their independence as a nation that wasn’t there before.

      That is is what makes Ukraine an impossible operation for Russia to defeat militarily.

  • Justas🇱🇹
    82 months ago

    A nation is easier to define by what it is not, than by what it is.

    Lithuanian nation since 1860s became defined as “those who refuse to be Polish”.

    All that Putin has done is made it easier for Ukrainians, collectively say “we are Ukrainian, because we refuse to be Russian.”