• @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      Amen, if the fascists don’t kill me for being a Palestinian, it’ll be the white leftists giving me a fatal aneurysm lecturing at me about how letting the fascists win again will totally help my cause that I just want to feel assured that my government isn’t looking for ways to officially enlist the Klan as a morality police.

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        I just want to feel assured that my government isn’t looking for ways to officially enlist the Klan as a morality police.

        Wow, what a shitlib you are. /s

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      the tracks are capitalism.

      weve been on this track for a long time, through republicans and democrats in power.

    • @rambling_lunatic
      111 month ago

      The train tracks are the influence of the bourgeoisie and their allies as they perform hatred judo.

    • Hello Hotel
      1 month ago

      was voting and presidency meant to feel like a Pachinko machine? (or Peggle) where you launch the balls, and you are separated by acrylic and have no control past the first bounce.

      • Dojan
        31 month ago

        I don’t quite get why you’re being downvoted because that’s honestly how I feel, and I don’t even live in the U.S. I feel like it applies pretty well to Sweden as well. At least there are options here that are like a 60% match with my personal viewpoints, but there’s no such thing as a perfect fit.

        • Hello Hotel
          11 month ago

          It may be that I (accedentially or not) compared the quality of indirect democracy’s quality of outcome to gambling. Or im secretly making a larger more radical stance, somthing, somthing, revisionist social democricy has failed here, somthing, somthing.

    • monk
      -51 month ago

      Your iDiOtIc CaSe is no substitution for a valid counteaargument. Neither of your parties represent the interest of the people. Get a third one.

      • @[email protected]
        191 month ago

        Americans have two ethical choices in the upcoming election:

        • Change the system before election day and vote 3rd party
        • Vote for Biden

        That’s it. Voting 3rd party without changing the system prior is not an ethical choice, for it enables fascism.

        • monk
          -21 month ago

          And it’s gonna be this way until it deteriorates into absolute dysfunction, isn’t it? Because so far it’s been 0 times they went “good grief, crisis averted, the right sports team won the election, and now is the time we fix the system”. It’s always a crisis after a crisis after a crisis.

          • @OneWomanCreamTeam
            21 month ago

            Not voting doesn’t get us any closer to fixing the voting system, dipshit. You can vote and advocate for voting reform.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    That train needs to be more rickety and the tracks terminate over a cliff. Fascists always destroy themselves. They literally cannot help it, it’s built into fascism itself. Sadly, they always aim to hurt and kill as many as possible along the way. Bunch of short sighted mental invalids.

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      My concern is not for their long-term chances of success, it’s for all the people they will drag down that cliff with them.

      As we’ve seen very clearly and with great documentation, fascism can literally burn the world down and kill countless millions of people and reshape all of human history, setting back all our progress and plans by decades or centuries.

      If it wasn’t for selfish authoritarians, we would be colonizing the solar system and fixing our planet’s climate.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Eh, maybe. Just cause it hasn’t worked long term yet doesn’t mean it won’t. Don’t copy their “the enemy is simultaneously weak and stupid, and strong and crafty” rhetoric

      • @[email protected]
        101 month ago

        Ah, wonderful, stay the fuck out of the way while people who care about things keep our society aligned towards morality and democracy. Just keep quiet and enjoy the world that others have built for you. I legit don’t mind, I want to help the idiots and brainwashed as much as I want to help the rest of the population have a better future and more personal freedom.

  • @[email protected]
    291 month ago

    I have so many things to say. But it can be said as something as simple as ↙️↙️↙️

    • @[email protected]
      241 month ago

      Tankies: “Both sides are the same!”

      Anyone with sense: “There’s a reason all the arrows are pointed in the same direction.”

      • Hello Hotel
        1 month ago

        Edit: grammar

        So… Iron Font…

        I don’t know where I stand on this, my introduction to this topic was from an anti-revisionist, anti-fashist Marxist Lennonist. Showing how bad the German National People’s Party failed, where one side would compromise or stall and the other would be openly fascist and they would (conspiracy or not), give up or not reclaim ground given to fashism. The german ML party and Iron Font call each other terrorists and have bad blood. So I either failed to understand something my teacher said or he was against the Communist Party of Germany or he was not being candid with me.

        • @[email protected]
          71 month ago

          The grammar of this comment is so atrocious that I literally can’t figure out what you’re trying to say, and the spelling doesn’t help.

          The communist party that the Ironfront opposed were what we today would call Tankies. They belonged to the same faction that betrayed the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and allied with Hitler to invade Poland. I don’t know if that addresses your concern, but I give it even odds.

          • @rambling_lunatic
            11 month ago

            On the other hand, the SPD was more than happy to use the Freikorps to put down communist uprisings during the time of Rosa Luxemburg, who was very much not a tankie.

            I am fairly certain that this was a big factor in the bad blood between the two groups, which predated the KPD’s turn towards Stalinism and adopting the concept of “social fascism” under muscovite pressure.

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              You’re talking about events that happened a decade prior to the founding of the organization.

                • @[email protected]
                  01 month ago

                  No, I say that like the above comment is irrelevant, because it is. I’m not talking about the SPD; I made a statement about the values of the Ironfront. When the Ironfront started, the KPD was a Stalinist organization, and were rightfully opposed.

              • @rambling_lunatic
                -11 month ago

                The Iron Front was founded a decade later, sure, but it was founded by the same SPD, which was still run mostly by the same people.

                • @[email protected]
                  -11 month ago

                  I’m not even sure what you’re trying to argue. Are you trying to say that means the Ironfront is bad? If so, the facts you presented don’t appear to support your thesis.

  • @[email protected]
    161 month ago

    When the old people plant seeds and water them for shade they don’t see society rises

    When the old chop down the trees and complain about the good old days of the shade fascism rises

  • Dadd Volante
    91 month ago

    It’s been here since around September 11th, 2001

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Did you know, in 1953, the US and UK governments overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran and installed a monarch after they voted to nationalize their oil industry to wrest control of it from BP?

      Seems pretty fascist to me.

      • @[email protected]
        71 month ago

        Is your definition of fascism essentially anti-democracy? Or military aggression/ colonialism? Honestly asking, because I’m not seeing what I’d consider hallmarks of fascism in your description.

        • @Jax
          51 month ago

          That would be because they don’t understand what fascism is. The unfortunate result of internet colloquialism.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Look up the definition of fascism. There are a few. Here is one:

          Broadly, a tendency toward or support of a strongly authoritarian or dictatorial control of government or other organizations; – often used pejoratively in this sense.

          What do you call it when the American government supports and imposes strongly authoritarian or dictatorial control of government even if in another country. Is that not fascism?

          We did this in Guatemala too at the behest of the United Fruit Company. The CIA director Allen Dulles and his Secretary of State brother, John Dulles, were on United Fruit Company’s payroll for 38 years. In 1954, the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Guatemala after they passed reforms to end exploitative labor practices by United Fruit Company that it saw as a threat to its profits.

          Another definition of fascism involves the repressive use of government by business to ensure control of the market.

          A political regime, having totalitarian aspirations, ideologically based on a relationship between business and the centralized government, business-and-government control of the market place, repression of criticism or opposition, a leader cult and exalting the state and/or religion above individual rights.

          • @[email protected]
            31 month ago

            I’m certainly not arguing that the US’s behavior in this case is good, I’m just not seeing the connection to fascism.

            Authoritarianism is about a government’s relationship to its own citizens, not its posture towards foreign governments. An authoritarian country can be completely isolationist, like North Korea, or warlike and expansionist like nazi Germany.

            For fascism a hallmark is government capture of business within the country. It can take the form of cooperation like the US’s relationship with BP, but ultimately this kind of cooperation is about fulfilling the totalitarian regime’s goals, not the businesses.

            Primary to fascism is NATIONALISM, like your second quote states. Arguably the US is well down the road to fascism, we have a cult of personality building around Trump, focused on making the US “great again”, demonizing and othering his opposition within the country. If he were to seize power I’d argue we’re there. I just don’t think our colonialist mindset towards other countries is a symptom or indication of fascism. It’s just yet another way we’re a garbage country.

    • Jaytreeman
      -321 month ago

      North America has always been fascist.
      During ww2 Canada denied Jewish refugees. When the war ended Canada welcomed a bunch of Nazis and erected statues commemorating a few.

      • @[email protected]
        171 month ago

        No. North America was once considered a great turtle and the people that walked the paths were many and different. No they were not fascist. Some tired to control but nobody tried to do what fascism tries.

        So fuck off with that language because some of those that know their history know we can fight under the flag of country but we are not the same person you described as North American.

        • Jaytreeman
          -51 month ago

          Sorry. I was trying to be inclusive of Mexico, US and Canada.
          You’re absolutely right that the nations that existed before those three were not fascist.

      • K0W4L5K1
        -141 month ago

        Everyone welcomed the Nazis wouldn’t have gotten to the moon without one. Operation paperclip. Also check out operation Gladios for why socialism never had a chance in europe

  • K0W4L5K1
    -101 month ago

    Fascism seems to go circular in history I think its cause we dumb as rocks and can’t learn from our past also Operation Gladios after WW2 look it up why socialism never had a chance in Europe and the western world is becoming the next totalitarian state