Elon Musk, Jonathan Chait, and Debbie Hayton are among the diverse figures distancing themselves from Rowling’s increasingly open hostility to trans women.
Elon is super transphobic too though… Constantly dead naming his Daughter. Don’t know anything about the other two.
Kind of says something then when even the musk rat is going, “Woah, dial it back there”
I’m kinda really tired of these inane and inaccurate takes on Musk’s tweet. He doesn’t tell her to “dial it back” at all. In fact he opens by agreeing that transphobia is great, but that it’s all Rowling talks about and she should diversify her content. That’s it. He’s not distancing himself from her or anything of the sort. These articles are dangerous to suggest otherwise in my opinion.
Does that mean she thinks little girls, post menopausal women and sterile/infertile women are not women ? Damn, that’s an interesting take.
I saw him sayig he agreed with her but was getting bored.
Muskie is a cheerleader from some 90s show going ‘Eww, you are unpopular!’ and covering face not to be seen with her.
Johnathan Chait is one of those people who postures himself as a centrist lib but manages to come up with the worst, most brain-melting galaxy brained takes that he’d be less annoying if he just admitted he was a chud. He’s a vocal critic of “political correctness,” wrote an article in 2016 titled, “Why Liberals Should Support a Trump Republican Nomination,” once claimed that kids were unironically identifying as attack helicopters, and when he got called out for it on Twitter he doubled down and said it didn’t matter if it was true, just if it would be bad if it were true (which was especially funny because it happened hours after The Onion put out a story calling out that exact behavior) and lastly, he once fell for BOFA. He’s an absolute joke, a loser, a bigot, and a professional clown pretending to be a journalist.
I’m glad this is posted in blahaj. Easily could become bait for offensive comments.
More on point – she isn’t merely controversial. That would imply that the reasonableness of her position is debatable, but it’s simply wrong. She’s been unacceptable for a long time because of her extremely inappropriate statements and actions, which from her high-visibility position causes real harm. To me, this isn’t new information.
Yeah exactly! Anyone who has been paying attention or is the target of her vitriol has known that she’s been too toxic for a long time. Many years. My hope is that her public image plummets as she continues to show everyone how awful she is.
who would have thought that her chosen character for a self-insert was Dolores Umbridge!
Elon Musk
Who the fuck cares what this stupid idiot thinks about, anyway?
In this case it is a reference and unit of measurement: if this lunatic extremist right winger conspiracy-addicted billionaire thinks it’s bad… then it really is bad.
I agree with your reasoning. Alas, if only that were what was happening here. The report is inaccurate. Mlon Eusk pretty much said “so true, but say something more interesting, I’m like, bored.”
I disagree, he’s a lunatic therefore his opinion is irrelevant, doesn’t matter that he may be right on something, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I don’t really get what the endgame is for her here.
She’s gone from one of the most praised authors with an incredible backstory, to someone so toxic only a fringe group of older people will support her - in less than a decade.
I fully understand her wanting women to have safe spaces, but she’s gone way beyond this, to the point where one of these has to be true.
She was never about wanting women to be safe, and this is just an agenda for her.
She’s had some kind of breakdown and probably needs some kind of intervention to get her off the internet, out of the public eye for a few years, and somewhere she can recover.
Either outcome is quite sad for a person that wrote a book series that shaped millions of childhoods, and followed up with books to show that she wasn’t just a one-hit wonder. She could have churned out several more books, contributed to more children’s dreams, but she decided to crusade against something that barely affects anyone.
Highly recommend watching Natalie/Contrapoints’ video about JKR: https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us?si=wSUCa8FXu3nPIFVd
One key point in here is about JKR’s article she wrote about her motivations. In it, she describes how she was a victim of assault, and how when she heard about Scotland’s new law giving more freedoms to trans people, it triggered her into reliving her assault.
Somehow, JKR is associating trans rights with a literal attack on her person that she suffered years ago. Once you understand this, it suddenly makes sense that she has such intense vitriol for trans people. It makes sense why she’s fighting tooth and nail against the rights of marginalized people – because to her, she’s fighting back against very real pain.
Of course, there is no actual connection between trans rights and her assault. She wasn’t attacked by a trans person, and the person who assaulted her isn’t the leader of pro-trans activist movements.
And so unfortunately it looks like she legitimately is having a mental breakdown. She needs to see a professional yesterday.
She’s gone from one of the most praised authors with an incredible backstory, to someone so toxic
That’s easy.
She always have been like this. She just hid it well long enough until after she made her fortune.
I think it is #2, we’ve seen it happen plenty of times. Glinner is another example, and the Wings guy if you’re Scottish
I applaud Rowling for her hostility. Not because I agree with her, but because others say the same thing but hide it behind nicer words and those are way more dangerous, because it is harder for people not knowing much about transgender people to see the damage done, the hatred spread. With Rowling even the most uninformed people realize that it is off, wrong and bad.
If Rowling agrees with a “reasonable TERF” they have now to distance themselves from her and it is fun to watch that happen. No you can’t distance yourself from someone who just says the silent part out loud, you are in the same boat, so keep row(l)ing!
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Wow. I wasn’t aware there was such a thing as too transphobic for Debbie Hayton.
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I get you’re just going for the low blow, and she probably deserves it…but Stormy Daniels fucked Donald Trump. If you got money you’re getting fucked one way or the other.
You gotta get more creative with the jabs
Come on, you know that isn’t true. Men have stuck their dick in crazy for centuries. She’s rich AND crazy.