I’ve been doing some rail trails on the “green roads” (routes vertes) to visit my parents for the last three weekends and I stopped at the park for overnights as I didn’t want to cycle the full 140 km in one shot and then back. It’s getting greener!

The Yamaska National Park is a small park located around a reservoir in southern Québec. From there it’s possible to access multiple rail trails and “linear parks” going in all directions.

More pictures in the comments.

  • AchtungDrempels@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Yeah i also wish there were summer vibes in spain other than my shorts and sandals, haha.

    If you really plan this as a trip to europe i could join in for a weekender or something, i live kinda close to that whole area. If you’re down hit me up. I have done a lot of shorter trips there (mostly ardennes belgium, it is a quick “exotic” place for me to get to), maybe i could give you some tips. But to be completely honest, if you make a trip to europe for cycling, there might be nicer places to go, but you may have your reasons to go there. There’s a lot of car free routes or so few cars that they really don’t that are not necessarily rail trails.

    Rode a long rail trail today though here in spain, i am now at the atlantic coast in san sebastian, drinking a beer. Cheers!