A copy of the game Pseudoregalia.
Which seems like a cool game and all but it was gotten immediately after the same person sent me fetish art of its main character I really didn’t like. So it didn’t feel right.
My schizophrenic uncle wanted to give me relatively big sum of money
He seemed sane at the moment but like you never know, I preferred to not tempt fate
Good on you for turning it down. Or had they manifested the idea they had money but didn’t?
I don’t know really. They had some rent or something like that.
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Did she purchase them with the intent of giving them to you or were they someone’s hand me downs and she thought you’d want them?
Either is pretty barmy to be fair.
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Oh wow.
Had she done that when you were younger and she assumed you would have kids? I can kinda empathise with that. Making them I mean… But giving them to you…? Yeesh.
The boomers assumed we’d follow the same predetermined path as they did. My mum certainly thought I would, and so did I up until my late 20s. It was then when I realised whenever I thought about having kids it was with a sense of dread for something I assumed was inevitable.
Lucky for me my sister had a whole bunch so the pressure was off.
A co-worker wanted to give me a lift to a shopping mall semi-near my home when I had my car in the workshop. I politely turned him down because it was either a 60-minute walk or two buses from there to home, while I could get a single bus from outside the office. He was weirdly insistant.
That’s not a gift, that’s a threat 😕
Secondhand golf clubs. Dont play golf…
I would say it might make a good re-gifting option to have on standby but, they’re second hand, they’re heavy and space consuming and, at least I personally, don’t know anyone who plays golf either. Gift sucks.
They’re less of a gift and more akin to a cures. And in order to lift the cures I must gift them to someone else.
Good luck. I guess even second hand they’re probably pretty good if you like golf, at least I mean maybe. I suppose they could be sucky clubs too. Hope you find someone that’s into golf
They’re fully worthless 😂😂😂 like less secondhand and more forthhanf
Ah ok, definitely skip bin then. Do you have local government refuse collection where you live?
Indeed, you could have them if you wanted thiugh… 🥹
As an adult I hate gifts in general. If I wanted something I would have gotten it and if its something I could not get it would usually be so expensive as to be quite embarrassing. Rarely someone comes across a great deal on something I would want or is something that I would want that is not to expensive but not commonly available but then such opportunities are not just rare but almost never happen close enough to a gift giving occasion (as we do such things in society). As such I almost never want them and do not like to give them except when the rare opportunity arises and then out of the blue. This tends to fluster the recipient who then seeks to get something inane for me.
Personally I give gifts that people never knew they wanted. That the value from the gift itself is worth more than the shelf price. My favorite gift is a small, but capable, screwdriver set.
Everyone always tells me it’s lame like “it’s just a tool, it’s so boring”. But every single person I’ve given it to contacts me again in a couple months like clockwork telling me how it saved their butts. Telling me they use it to replace a light switch, repair or tighten up some furniture, replace a part on their bike, take apart their PC and the list goes on.
NO ONE’S first thought after getting 15$ would be a screw driver kit, which is why I give them.
Another one is a luxury nail clipper. One that’s like 20$. Something you’d never spend that kind of money on, but every moment you use it is GLORIOUS.
Yes I sorta get that. I remember when optical mice dropped in price I bought one for basically everyone K new.
My mother wanted to give me a 2x2x1 foot bug zapper. I live in a small townhouse, only a few feet of outdoor space. What we do have is taken up with native plants trying alto attract bees and insects due to the shocking drop in them. We also live in a climate that does not have mosquitoes or annoying bugs really. In the 8 years I’ve lived here we have had one fly come into our home, we’ve never complained about bugs once, and we’ve constantly talked about how little space we have.
I returned it.
I am ashamed to admit I spent way too long trying to figure out what a “foot bug” was.
… … … I’m tired. :'(
Haha I read it as “foot bug zapper”, as in a bug zapper you attach to your foot…
Baseball tickets, I find nothing rewarding about watching baseball.
I’m the same but I find the atmosphere of a live game of pretty much any sport to be enjoyable. I just need a vague understanding of the rules, I pick a team to go for, and settle in.
I also like beer so that helps.
Seems to imply it’s the exception and not the rule. It’s hard enough to figure out what I want/need for myself, why would someone’s guess or random whim be better? Just toss it on the pile of stuff people expect me to keep b/c they gave it to me…
My mom gifted me a book called the placebo written by a chiropractor.
I’ve been explicit over the years about chiropractors.
My mother wanted to get me a wide brim sun hat with a neck flap: https://imgs.search.brave.com/fVuBnMVVBRH1g28fcDzOX0uUoC4Si8j5_V0yd65cJL4/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tLm1l/ZGlhLWFtYXpvbi5j/b20vaW1hZ2VzL0kv/NzEzZDRjWUhZNUwu/anBn
She thought it would be good to save me from the sun while mowing the lawn. I asked her to return it. There was no way I was going to wear that.
Your mom knows what’s up. You can’t undo sun damage, and anyone that cares what you look like while mowing the lawn is a grade A weirdo.
I got a Dakine wide brim hat a few years back, and it’s easily my favorite hat. It doesn’t have the extra neck protection, but it provides better all around shading than any standard ball cap, it’s comfortable, and I like the chill style that comes with the hat.
My main concern was it doesn’t provide enough sun cover. I wanted more. I had her buy me this instead: https://cdn.ezcosplay.com/media/catalog/product/p/o/power_rangers_white_ninjetti_ranger_cosplay_costume_1_2.jpg
True, but you can get the best of both worlds with sunscreen. I stopped leaving home without at least SPF 30 and it made a remarkable difference to how quickly my face is aging.
I have that hat, its good. Get over yourself and hug your mother.
A watch, lady Christmas. I don’t like knowing what time it is and I can’t wear wrist jewelry at work.