
The Wrong Sailor Moon

I want to see more Sailor Moons, but ones that are all “wrong” in some way. I want to see the dark doppelganger of Sailor Moon, the just left of normal.


  • Follow the community’s rules above all else
  • One comment and image per user
  • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
  • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning)
  • Posts that are tied will both get the points
  • The challenge runs for 7 days from now on
  • Down votes will not be counted


At the end of the challenge each post will be scored:

  • Most upvoted: +3 points
  • Second most upvoted: +2 pointS
  • Third most upvoted: +1 point
  • OP’s favorite: +1 point
  • Most unconformable: +1 point
  • Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote): +1 point
  • Prompt and workflow included: +1 point

The winner gets to pick next theme! Have fun everyone!

    9 个月前

    Hacker Sailor Moon

    Prompt: Create a KDFM-style dark, ominous, image of anime Sailor Moon as a post-apocalyptic evil cyber hacker, wearing all black, sitting in front of a laptop, her hands are hidden by the screen even though it appears she is typing, the glow of the computer screen reflecting green terminal code in her small rectangular glasses. looking straight forward perspective from behind the screen, square aspect ratio