Hi. We had to make internal investigations about MajesticBank and we found a lot of funny things from a service insulting all ecosystem actors.

  • MajesticBank told to people in 2022 that he would release an “AtomicSwap gateway” which he never did.

  • MajesticBank has gone dark on dread without explications and some people on dread are saying they got scammed (source)

  • MajesticBank has selective scammed some of his customers during a downtime in 2023 (source)

  • MajesticBank is owing months salary from two of his team members (snitchy & notmtth), he also tried to fail salary paydays and making his team starving during weeks.

  • MajesticBank scammed people in his giveaway (liking a post without paying people). Source

  • MajesticBank is calling other service of “honeypots” when his whole service is using an illegal ddos protection service who’s probably wiretapped by FSB.

  • MajesticBank has stolen co-ownership of intercambio from snitchy (he gave it ownership to him and ordered OrangeFren to revert SSH accesses to steal back the service).

  • Scolding0513
    10 months ago

    Thank you very very much for this explanation.

    Well, obviously you can compared Intercambio to your own service or to Trocador and see that there aren’t as many features. There’s no way to get a quote, or to choose your provider. it just instantly throws you into an exchange. but maybe that’s the point.

    Cheers to you for all you do, you’re a good Fren :)

    btw on your onion site you should put an onion link your new forum not clear net

    • OrangeFren@monero.town
      10 months ago

      Well, obviously you can compared Intercambio to your own service or to Trocador and see that there aren’t as many features. There’s no way to get a quote, or to choose your provider. it just instantly throws you into an exchange. but maybe that’s the point.

      Good points. I’ll see what we can do about improving this :)

      Cheers to you for all you do, you’re a good Fren :)

      Thanks! <3

      btw on your onion site you should put an onion link your new forum not clear net

      You’re right. I’ll make sure that change is made.