• Beefalo
    311 months ago

    I appreciate that this community is here to just be weird about Catra.

    • PugJesusOP
      911 months ago

      Every time a notification from you shows up, I resolve to post another She-Ra meme, just so you know.

      • Roundcat
        211 months ago

        You could just block them too. I found just by blocking like 10 people, My lemmy experience improved immensely.

        • PugJesusOP
          911 months ago

          Unfortunately, I still get their notifications. It’s quite inconvenient. I go excited to see someone making a comment on a post, and it turns out to be the first sentence of “This is actually literally Hitler”.

          C’est la vie. Reddit making interaction mutually impossible was the best solution.

          • Roundcat
            111 months ago

            That’s part of the reason why I turned off notifications for posts. I’d much rather come back to the post later and see the replies than get pinged everytime someone responds.

            • PugJesusOP
              211 months ago

              Ah, but I love having conversations, and conversations are much more likely to start if you reply promptly!

              • Roundcat
                111 months ago

                Same here, and then I remember where I am. Granted lemmy/kbin is much better than reddit in terms of userbase and the quality of conversation, but the most obnoxious of users do have more visibility.

                I just feel like lemmy has been feeling more and more like the obnoxious side of reddit as of late.

        • PugJesusOP
          11 months ago

          Someone who goes onto every post I make with a She-Ra meme talking about how it’s a ‘monarchist’ show with a ‘racial caste’ system?

          Is that what you think PTSD looks like? Searching out memes of children’s shows to complain about the politics therein? Not to mention they hadn’t said anything about PTSD before I said that I was going to post She-Ra every time they complained about it, so I’m not really sure how you got the idea that I’m seeking to trigger their PTSD there unless you think my posts are capable of time-travel.

            • PugJesusOP
              11 months ago

              I’m suffering because of them. This is one of the few joys that I had in a very dark time in my life, and having some asshole I’ve already blocked butt in on every fucking time I try to share it with the most low-effort ‘hurr it’s actually tyranny’ bullshit while I sit here in fucking pain trying to keep my mind off things is pretty fucking distressing, so fuck you and fuck your selective empathy.

              And lmao at this prick saying I’m ‘fakeclaiming’ mental illness. I can still fucking taste blood, so fuck them and their ‘My PTSD is real but your’s isn’t’ too.

              And fuck their fake apology below too. “Let’s compromise and do what I originally wanted - you not posting She-Ra” isn’t anything of the sort. Especially rich is them claiming they believe me ‘now’ when they accused me of ‘fakeclaiming’ before, which is hard to do without implying a claim. Trolling while using the language of mental health is still trolling. They can fuck off and not comment on my posts. The world isn’t going to be scrubbed of shows they don’t like because they claim it triggers their PTSD.

              • @[email protected]
                -411 months ago

                If you have PTSD, then maybe you could have a little empathy and stop doing this on purpose, which you already admitted to.

                • PugJesusOP
                  11 months ago

                  You know what I don’t do, as someone with PTSD? Seek out triggers and demand others change normal things they do in public spaces to suit me deliberately seeking out my triggers. If their claim of being triggered by She-Ra is true, for whatever reason, then the obvious solution is to not fucking seek it out.

                  I’m done engaging. The block function on this site really needs to be improved so I don’t get barraged with notifications by people I’ve already blocked. It’s really quite counterintuitive.

            • @[email protected]
              411 months ago

              You can’t expect the world to accommodate for everything you struggle with. These memes are doing nothing unreasonable to the average person, people seem to be enjoying them. If you are getting triggered this badly by something so benign then you’re going to have to solve it yourself. If we would block every meme that triggers somebody on the world, I’m afraid there wouldn’t be many left.

                • @[email protected]
                  111 months ago

                  How so? Most of these memes seem to be just She-Ra images with some funny text. Does OP personally know you? Or do the images/text somehow refer to you in some way?

            • @Kecessa
              11 months ago

              Putting it in your feed? They don’t have control over what’s shows up in your feed, you do by being allowed to block users and communities you don’t want to see and if you’re at risk of seeing things that might trigger your PTSD then the communities you subscribe to should be curated and you’re the only one who can do that.

              The content they’re posting follows the community’s rules, you can’t ask them to stop posting it.

                • @Kecessa
                  111 months ago

                  It’s not as if it was constructive criticism or the place to complain about the origin of the image in the meme.

    • @Kecessa
      611 months ago

      Man, if that’s the way you analyze memes then no one will be allowed to post any memes because there will always be some unrelated reason to complain!