This is the Daystrom Institute Episode Analysis thread for Strange New Worlds 2x08 Under the Cloak of War.

Now that we’ve had a few days to digest the content of the latest episode, this thread is a place to dig a little deeper.

    1 year ago

    The characterization of Dak’Rah subverted my expectations. I was expecting him to continue to be portrayed as Legate Ghemor was - truly remorseful and wanting to do better to change his society. I was reminded throughout the episode of the one in DS9 where Kira had to listen to the dying Cardassian’s life story. She got pretty angry at lives lost that he was culpable for but ultimately was able to forgive him.

    Juxtaposed with this episode, the reveal that Rah is antithesis of honour and a huge coward turns the story from the trope of forgiveness is for the victim to “do some people just deserve to die for the evil they’ve done?”

  • Brian
    1 year ago

    This episode really made me think of DS9’s “The Siege of AR-558” and the later arc for Nog dealing with the trauma of war. Really solid story and wonderful job filling in these characters so far! As a whole, LDS and SNW are the two best new-Trek out there, IMO.

    1 year ago

    I believe M’Benga that it was self defense. If you think about how Dak’Rah was goading him it was obvious that he wanted to suss out what our good doctor knew about what happened in J’Gal. Remember, as M’Benga was killing his 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in command he was fleeing and knew there was someone out there who knows the truth of what happened. Given the large number of casualties, he most likely is on high alert when he comes across anyone who “was there”. He figures Ortegas and Chapel don’t have it in them to assassinate 3 Klingons so that leaves M’Benga who (upon rewatch) has this dark edgy energy, so… maybe? When he finally gets the truth out of M’Benga he has no choice but to kill the person who can disrupt his new cushy life.

    Thinking about it, either M’Benga dies or he dies. Let’s say M’Benga spares his life and exposes him for the coward that he is. He tried to kill civilians! His own people too! The Federation could never allow him to continue his cushy life and his fellow Klingons would never allow him to live after finding out. To not make that attempt to kill M’Benga first would be an illogical choice.

    Also other questions to consider:

    Did M’Benga hold back during the sparring so as not to give away his abilities?

    How threatening was Rah? What if Rah had just said something like “I’m going to make sure no one knows the real story” and M’Benga takes that to mean Rah will kill him at the first justifiable opportunity? So might as well defend himself now?

    M’Benga would have to know exactly where to stab so that the 2nd Klingon heart doesn’t keep him alive. Otherwise what are the chances of hitting that right spot by luck?

  • Tenebris
    1 year ago

    I wasn’t that impressed with M’Benga in season 1 but he’s had excellent character development this season. After this episode, I think he could be my favourite of the SNW crew!