• @Aurenkin
    1524 days ago

    It’s my great pleasure to vote against this compensation package.

    • @[email protected]
      324 days ago

      How practically does the voting take place and what’s the conditions for being able to participate?

      I know you need to be a shareholder but amounts of stock and/or do you need to be a shareholder for xyz amount of days prior and so on?

      I would gladly buy stock and vote against it just because he needs to be taken off his high horses but I’m not familiar enough with US stock market procedures to know how it’s being done and what rules apply.

      • @Aurenkin
        323 days ago

        The company I buy stocks through emailed me a link to a form. I think they use some 3rd party service to do it. Then I just answer a bunch of multiple choice questions. I’m still fairly new to the whole thing but I believe your votes are weighted based on how many shares you hold, I don’t know if there’s a minimum amount before you’re able to vote.

        • @[email protected]
          423 days ago

          Thanks, I checked with my brokers and apparently it’s not customary to be able to participate in voting in US companies when I looked in their faq.

          Did a quick search and apparently Mr Megalomaniac has threatened to sue alot of European broker firms if they don’t look in to allowing it so they will according to news articles.

          Sent their customer support each a question what the status was on the matter.

          Will gladly buy stock just to vote No on the matter.

      • @[email protected]
        223 days ago

        I only have like 15 shares and i got the link to vote (Australian) i love how they give you a board recommendation for each question (spoiler it’s always in favour of Elons interests) it felt good 5o vote againts him for everything, even though it will clearly have next to no weight.

  • @[email protected]
    1124 days ago

    Vote that schmuck out so he can continue spending all his time on his passion project Twitter.

    Tesla needs focus, the cybertruck is a disaster birthed of misguided hubris.

    • @[email protected]
      323 days ago

      The vote won’t be revealed until the shareholder meeting or a tantrum is posted in the event it’s not approved, or a smug post if approved.

      • @[email protected]
        22 days ago

        It’s going to be a tantrum either way. Even if he gets it, he’s going to have a tantrum and run away with it, leaving everyone else holding the bag. The US is staring down another Trump administration, with Trump threatening to cancel electric cars (not sure how that’s possible, but I’m sure they can fuck things up pretty good too). It’s nothing but storm clouds for Tesla if they give this to him, it’s going to start a slow decline to a bunch of crap.

        Personally, I’m hoping he has a tantrum and leaves. He’s a big part of what Tesla is, no doubt. He deserves a fairly sizeable compensation package, again no problem there. But there’s a god damn limit, and his behaviour as of the last couple years shows there’s something pretty wrong going on in his head and it’s going to drown the whole company if they don’t eliminate the noise. That goes for his crooked little board too. The best scenario is a no, he leaves, the board leaves and the company can begin rebuilding through it’s next stage, with a pretty good product line + get the charging station growth back in the picture.

        • @[email protected]
          222 days ago

          There was a time when he was very good for Tesla but I’m convinced there’s a mental illness going around in the extremely wealthy.

          Even pondered writing a screenplay or treatment about it. Back in France they sent the elite to the guillotine, nowadays the proletariat infect them with a virus that causes rampant self destructive paranoia and narcissism.

          I voted against many of the board recommendations to do what’s best for Tesla in my opinion, not for Mr. Musk.

          I don’t bear him any ill will, but there’s something fundamentally wrong with him right now.

          Maybe it has always been there but now it’s magnified like crazy ever since this social media crusade he’s been on. Maybe too much social media causes brain damage?

          • @[email protected]
            121 days ago

            I think any social media causes brain damage. You and I are getting some brain damage just even pondering some of this stuff.

            I don’t bear the guy any ill will either, but as a fan of the brand, it’s time to move on. We’ve seen this time and time again in automotive history (well not to this extent I suppose, but we’ve still seen some shit over the past 100 years). These guys go egomaniac, and they are always quite eccentric and maybe a bit insane (a key qualification of being an auto baron), but eventually they all seem to go supernova, and then it’s time to go. That’s where we are with this one, I’m afraid.