English/German as always

I try to make her digestion medicine as appealing as possible by mixing it with some of her favourite treat (some light brown multi vitamin paste). I’m glad her overall health improved a lot but I still have to continue her medication to keep it this way.

Zeit für Miez ihre Medizin. Ich versuche ihre Verdauungs-Medizin so ansprechend wie möglich zu machen indem ich etwas von ihrem Leckerli (hellbraune Multi-Vitamin-Paste) untermische. Erfreulicherweise hat sich ihr Gesamtzustand gebessert. Damit das auch so bleibt bekommt sie weiterhin ihre Medikamente.

  • @[email protected]
    820 days ago

    I thought that was her shit, and the title was saying, basically, “looks like she needs some medicine”. Like, yeah, i agree lmao

      • FuglyDuck
        320 days ago

        She wouldn’t eat it, anyway. One reason cats are smarter than dogs,

        • @slevinkelevraOP
          319 days ago

          Guess that’ one differentiation where to draw the line. Unfortunately however I’ve seen with my own eyes a cat eating another cat’s vomit, so…