• Pistcow
    2529 days ago

    They do, he’s good for clicks.

    Normal government is boring, and you don’t get cartoon vilianry to publish daily.

  • @[email protected]
    929 days ago

    Consciousness of guilt, they don’t wanna have to explain that they gladly took the money when he said all along what he is and what he intends to do

  • @[email protected]
    929 days ago

    I wish people would stop perpetuating that phrase. They know exactly what he is and how dangerous he is. But while his antics generate revenue and while his platform aligns with their corporate overlords, they will play ignorant.

  • @[email protected]
    629 days ago

    For most, Their business is not to uphold the constitution, protect freedoms or inform the electorate, it’s to make profits. A free and inquisitive press is critical to these funxtions—which is why the major corps are controlled by a very few rich and powerful orgs. If you want to shape narrative you need uniform messaging.

    For profit News media are just businesses like any other, don’t expect any more social or national goodwill for them than you would Lockheed Martin. For profits will operate under Saddam Hussein or mother Theresa. Money is all their structure values, and so cannot hold onto things like democracy.

  • DessertStorms
    628 days ago

    The Media Still Doesn’t Grasp the Danger of Trump

    Lmmfao, why the fuck would it? 🤦‍♀️
    They literally exist to serve and uphold the existing power structures and/or anyone who will potentially make things even better for the rich who own it.

  • @Ghyste
    328 days ago

    Fuck these articles, they absolutely do. These shitbags want the front seat to the goddamn train wreck.