Dualsense player here, I would like to know what button do you use as push-to-talk or if you use dualsense built-in mute button.
Have a nice democracy ✊
PTT binded to Hold R1. I use it to talk to the ultra rare random; otherwise, I’m playing with friends on discord.
Doesn’t R1 trigger UI tabs?
Yes, I believe it is used to move to the next category within the menus. It is also used to bring up the voice call outs on the PS5. Yes, it makes stratagem selection a bit weird.
The future goal is for every controller to adopt a Steam input configuration. We all need dual track pads and 4 grip buttons. Virtual menus are awesome.
This probably doesn’t help, but I have mine mapped to a foot pedal.
That’s a genius solution.
On steam deck, I have sprint mapped to “tap left stick” and PTT mapped to “hold left stick”
Unrelated, but what are your settings for the deck to play at somewhat acceptable FPS?
My biggest problems are aiming (I’m no good with the gyro yet) and being able to actually see targets. I don’t play a lot of high action games on deck for this reason. But I played a couple lower difficulty rounds on the deck without fps problems.
OLED deck
Resolution 1280x800
Render scale quality
Display full screen
Vsync off
Depth of field off
Bloom on
Texture medium
Object detail medium
Render high
Shadow medium
Particle high
Space low
Ambient occlusion on
SSGI off
Vegetation low
Terrain high
Fog medium
Clouds medium
Lighting medium
Anti aliasing on
Async compute no
deleted by creator
Dual Sense, don’t do PTT. But I have an overlay so I know of background noise is popping up to mute or stop breathing so loud.
Volume up on the music I have in the background. Oh whoops, I’m on open mic.