So I’m compiling a list of thrash bands to listen to, that I haven’t already. When I listen to bands, I listen to studio albums and EPs in order of release, then move to the next. This way I can get a feel for how the band progresses over time. Just thought I’d mention that, as I think it is a handy tip for exploring new bands. Anyway, do you have any underground/relatively unheard of bands that you believe to be underrated and worth my time?

EDIT: I ended up pinning the post, as it may be useful to others. If you have any to share, feel free to add/update suggestions (don’t worry about commenting on an old post).

  • @[email protected]OPM
    21 month ago

    I thought I’d throw in a few personal recommendations for those interested:

    • Onslaught (UK)
    • Warbringer (USA)
    • Victim (Germany)
    • Xentrix (UK)
    • Witchery (Sweden)
    • Havok (USA), not so unknown
    • Coroner (Switzerland)
    • Agent Steel (USA)
    • Evildead (USA)
    • Exciter (Canada), speed metal
    • Atrophy (USA)
    • Artillery (Denmark)
    • Demolition Hammer (USA)
    • Exumer (Germany)
    • Ghoul (USA)
    • Goatwhore (USA)
    • Heaven’s Gate (USA)
    • Lich King (USA)
    • Nifelheim (Sweden)
    • Skeletonwitch (USA)
    • Solstice (USA)
  • Bakers Doesn't
    21 month ago

    Here’s a few off the top of my head. Not super obscure, they all managed to release at least a couple albums but I don’t see these guys get mentioned much these days. Holy Terror, Viking, Razor, Powermad, Whiplash

    • @[email protected]OPM
      11 month ago

      Thanks, I already listen to Razor and I’ve heard a few Holy Terror songs. I think Whiplash is on my list. I haven’t heard of Viking or Powermad, will check them out at some point. Thanks for the suggestions!

  • @pack
    21 month ago

    Massachusetts thrash / metal bands

    Skytigers Crowfeeder Voyager

  • @[email protected]
    21 month ago

    I just started listening to Kreator in the last couple of years, and they are top-tier.

    Also, Sons of Texas. They are not thrash, but massively good anyway.