Because they are traditional gentlesirs who think that feminism has ruined western women and therefore yearn for a cute, child-like, and submissive female partner who does not threaten their fragile sense of masculinity?
I dunno, just guessing.
auth right and lib right are completely the wrong way around. authright is patriotic bullshit. libright wants lolis
Well, yes, but libright want underaged children while waving a “DON’T TREAD ON ME” flag and loudly repeating the Second Amendment
I find this political compass stuff very reductive and limiting. There are far more than two important dimensions in politics
Political compass is bullshit to begin with.
Even on those two dimensions, people define the central point wildly differently.
Yeah 100% agree
Please don’t let me be the only one to point out that “economic-left” and “economic-right” do nothing to qualify or disqualify one another without an actual drilling down into the definition of either one.
Also… authoritarian and libertarian aren’t opposites either.
This graph may as well be a Y axis that says “flying pigs v. non flying pigs” vs an X axis of “mighty bullocks boys” on the top end vs. “the trout” on the bottom end.
Oh, Political Compass quadrants are just horoscopes for political nerds, like how Myers-Briggs is horoscopes for people who don’t believe in the supernatural. Don’t read too much into it. That would be a very ENTP thing to do!
You’re probably right but I may have some difficulty since Mars is retrograde to Saturn.
Only imaginary women can turn them on
Brain damage?
I dunno, I know a number of lib left ppl with anime avatars. I’ve known more than a few trans ppl with anime avatars.
Oversimplified explanation: auth right wants to date kawaii anime girl, lib left wants to be kawaii anime girl
Auth left right have their tankie/nazi catgirls too. Also not enough roman statue pfps on the auth right.
God, I hate that roulette. “Classics enthusiast who isn’t terminally online and doesn’t realize the implications, or alt-right asshole?”
Bottom left corner is missing furry avatars.
Also I would be willing to guess it’s because a lot of anime is borderline pedophile fantasy. Notice how most of their avatars are of child characters.
What anime are you watching
where anarchism vault boy profile picture