The mix of Spanish and English is the world’s fastest growing linguistic hybrid. Experts calculate that it is spoken by 50 million people

In a single sentence, Rolando Hernández moves smoothly between English and Spanish. His narration is uninterrupted through shifts from one tongue to the other. He’s not doing it to translate what he’s saying; he simply takes for granted that the person listening to him will understand. The 26-year-old Cuban American is trilingual: he doesn’t just speak English and Spanish, but also Spanglish, a hybrid speech variety that was born out of the mix of Anglo and Hispanic cultures. In his Miami neighborhood of Hialeah, where three-quarters of residents are of Cuban descent and 95% of the population is Hispanic, Spanglish (in Spanish, espanglish) rules: “It’s everywhere, from the closest McDonald’s drive-through to the galleries in Wynwood,” says Hernández.

Though it is hard to know the exact number of people who speak Spanglish, it’s estimated that there are 35 to 40 million people in the United States who, like Hernández, communicate with it, more than half of the 62 million Latinos who live in the country. It’s a number that will only grow as the Latino community expands over the coming years: by 2060, it is predicted that one in every four U.S. residents will have Latino heritage. “It is the fastest-growing hybrid language in the world,” says Ilan Stavans, professor of Latinx and Latin American studies at Massachusetts’s Amherst College.

  • @[email protected]
    9924 days ago

    America intentionally has no official language.

    Before WW2 large parts of the country only spoke German, and there were pockets all over that only knew the language of where they immigrated from.

    It wasn’t until the World Wars and the advent of radio that everyone started moving to just English.

    Hell, the town next to where I grew up still has German street signs and most businesses have their signs in German.

    I think a decade or two ago they added English signs as well, but there wasn’t any law that forced them too.

    People being mad about this stuff, is just boomers who think history started when they were born and nothing should fundamentally change as long as their alive.

    Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, they want everything to be exactly like how when they were kids. And by the time they were kids, was the big push for an English only America.

    • Cyborganism
      1824 days ago

      The same phenomenon is happening today with internet and social media affecting every nation and every culture in the world.

      English is creeping in every culture and in some cases even replacing them.

      It’s a real shame.

        • Cyborganism
          224 days ago

          No. Diversity is decreasing if everyone is moving towards one giant monolithic Anglo-centric culture.

          • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
            324 days ago



            diversity from many languages is a good thing.

            better communication from one language is a good thing.

      • @[email protected]
        24 days ago

        The worst part about it, is English is hands down in the hardest languages to learn, and almost completely nonsensical.

        And just communicating in it, tends to make people think and behave in a more individualist manner.

        Like I know I’ll get shit for saying this, I always do:

        But as a species we should have made a “common tounge” long ago like Lord of the Rings.

        One that’s easy to learn, and has a neutral effect in nias of thinking.

        Everyone is free to use their native language, and learn any other language they want.

        But have the “common tounge” be something everyone, evwrywhere, learns.

        If we never do that, then we’re going to see what we’re seeing now. English becoming a default language and pushing out others from all facets of life.

        Language extinction is a real thing. If England hadn’t colonized so much shit and fired natives to only use English, then it would have been forgotten about. Even the English monarchy didn’t use English for most of the languages existence.

        It’s such a weird series of things that lead to one of the worst languages on the planet to become the default everyone tries to learn as a second language at best, and destroying other languages at worst

        • @[email protected]
          1924 days ago

          It has it’s own challenges, sure… but english isn’t even remotely close to being the hardest language to learn

          The spelling is messed up, it has (like virtually every language) a bunch of exceptions to rules, but the grammar has been hugely simplified over the past 1000 years.

          Not to mention that the biggest advantage to learning languages is familiarity and the fact that English is, well, everywhere makes it easier.

          Sure Esperanto is easier, but for most of the world something like Japanese would be muuuuuch harder

          • @[email protected]
            24 days ago

            but the grammar has been hugely simplified over the past 1000 years.

            And it still sucks…

            Just look at the rules on how to pluralize something, or verb tenses.

            Other languages have a few exceptions from loaner words, English is mostly exceptions because it’s mostly made up not only if loaner words, but loaner words from such different languages.

            We threw shit randomly for thousands of years with no rhyme or reason because it was a language solely for commoners. The British monarchy didn’t even speak it for centuries…

            Nobody cared what English as a language was doing.

            • @[email protected]
              1324 days ago

              English has way simpler verb tenses than other languages, and minimal verb conjugation. The lack of rules can be annoying, but it also makes it easier to use with minimal grasp of the language since it relys on context and general vibes so much.

              Nobility and upper classes used French to communicate until 200 years ago, and that language is an absolute bear to try and grasp. The spellings are zany, conjugations and tenses are all over the place, and there is an unspoken tonal aspect that makes Parisians turn their nose up at people who even jave a solid grasp of the language.

              The only perfect language is one that never gets used.

          • @[email protected]
            524 days ago

            Considering most media was coming Hollywood/the US, and then with the rise of the internet defaulting to English among the developers, it makes sense. And by this point, it’s so entrenched into the global order that it’s probably here to stay.

        • Cyborganism
          024 days ago

          Your comment contradicts itself in so many ways I don’t even know where to start.

    • BarqsHasBite
      24 days ago

      By German Street signs you mean the street names are German, or the “stop” sign is “stoppen”? I want pics before I believe that.

      • @[email protected]
        24 days ago

        Stop signs still had “stop”. Although for some reason I think they originally were just a red stop sign shape that had a smaller sign with the word “stop” added under it. For some reason that was a thing in rural areas for a while.

        But like the signs on the corner that had the name of the street/road. And instead of street/road it has the German work for that. Streisb? I can’t make an estatest or however it was spelled, but the weird capital B with a tail that means “ss” .

        But after WW2 they updated the legal street names to Angelicized names, I think as a result of a larger state/national law. It was something the locals didn’t want tho, and no one official was checking tiny villages, so they left the original signs up, even though that’s not the name of the street anymore?

        Like the town Butcher had a giant old school sign with zero English or even the word Butcher. Now there’s little signs in English under all of them that says what it is. I think because they were trying to be a tourist destination, because literally all the architecture and landscape looked like you were really in 1800s Deutschland. Like, in school my German class (yeah, even towns over had the option of learning German until very recently) we took field trips there.

        On a side note, my German teacher’s first memory was the Allies attacking the train that was carrying her to a concentration camp, then having to escape through the woods during the fighting. And I swear I’m not even that old now.

        I could probably find some kind of article on it, because the whole thing is interesting… But unfortunately I already said it was next to my home town, and man, there are some people who really don’t like me on here, and I don’t want to put that info out.

  • sylver_dragon
    3824 days ago

    Languages shift and change over time. English, as we currently know it, has undergone several such shifts, to the point that it’s less a language and more several languages dressed up in a trench coat pretending to be one. Adding more Spanish words to the language is really just a continuation of a centuries old trend.

  • @[email protected]
    1524 days ago

    Anglocentric supremacists:

    “Stop speaking that weird language! Speak more English!”

    Spanglish pioneers:

    start speaking more English, make “that weird language” less “weird”


    “Not like that!”

    • @[email protected]
      24 days ago

      They’d better stop using the word “language”, then, as it’s of Latin origin!

  • @[email protected]
    24 days ago

    Only 26% of English is made up of words of Germanic origin anyway (although they do tend to be the ones used most in everyday speech).

      • @[email protected]
        24 days ago

        Totalmente! Francia? Español raro… Italiano? Español argentino. Chino? Querrás decir chileno? Inglés es español germánico… y no me hagas empezar con el ruso! Потому что я не гаварю па русски

        *es solo para seguir la joda, nada de esto es serio

  • @ThrowawayPermanente
    1224 days ago

    Every time I hear Spanglish it just sounds like ‘You pinches gringos corrupt everything you touch’

  • @[email protected]
    524 days ago

    Could be a good way to start learning both English and Spanish for folks who only speak one or the other like myself. It’ll never affect me, but if it did I’d pick it up just from proximity.

  • AItoothbrush
    024 days ago

    Emglish is a shit language and im saying this as a native(or almost) speaker. In sweden theres a language thats a mix of english, turkish, arabic, etc added to swedish. Languages change and evolve you know and you cant stop that.