• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    11 year ago

    Reading books. It’s a completely different experience from consuming media online or watching shows. I think that books are a unique medium for communicating ideas, and it’s tragic that reading long form narratives is becoming less common.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Absolutely. Most non-fiction books I’ve read averaged about 9 hours for me to complete. 9 hours listening to an expert is such a trivial investment compared to a lifetime of half-baked speculation on a topic one doesn’t really understand. In 9 hours an expert can provide proper context, break down complex topics, and they have the space to fully explain their perspective and the stories that brought them to it.

      The only content as informative and concise as a good book is a good lecture.

  • @Immersive_Matthew
    19 months ago

    Become gut biome aware and learn how to protect it, and strengthen it as poor gut health has a lot of down stream health effects on mood, sleep, concentration, anxiety and so much more.