This is basically an electric motorcycle now…not a bicycle.
This is faster and probably more powerful as well than a moped. Atleast in the europe a moped has a 50cc engine and is limited to 45kph
Moped is short for motor-pedal
That sounds terrifying.
I want one.
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So like… A motorcycle?
Presumably it’d be loaded down with gear, but it still seems sketchy as hell to ride anywhere near 80mph
Setting aside how funny and ridiculous this is, fuck the defence industry
Why would you want to take something like this on the highway?
This is what I think about every motorcycle
Me, too, but this feels especially dangerous…I wouldn’t even take a dirt bike on the highway.
I want an ebike for convenient local travel. If I wanted a vehicle requiring more protection than a helmet, I’d just get a motorcycle.
Why would anyone in the military want to do anything?
Imagine stopping that thing from 80 with that teeny front brake
Finally an ebike I’d be caught dead on!
But just imagine hitting that board-on-a-2-by-4 ramp on the sidewalk in front of your house. The neighbors kids sitting on your lawn double daring you and you hit that thing clocking the full 80. You might be dead 18 seconds later when your body hits the ground, but you’ll be a legend in your neighborhood forever.
That’s just a motorcycle with extra parts.
Fewer parts.
Faaar fewer parts.
Compared to an ice motorcycle, probably. Compared to an electric motorcycle, I don’t see how.
It won’t have anti lock brakes and that’s at least a few parts. A few extremely important parts when it comes to stopping in emergency or non ideal traction conditions.
Now bosch released an abs for ebikes.
But for this kind of speed we will need more than an ebike brake!
Not sure if extra or fewer…
Lesser parts! As in the express lane, 15 items or less! My grocery store wouldn’t lie to me.
I get using a hardtail with a bbshd as a moped replacement or whatever, but who the fuck wants to go highway speed on a bike frame?
28mph is plenty fast on a bicycle for me, I’m fine with class 3. I usually ride closer to 15-20 anyways on the “fast” end, faster if I’m in a hurry and things are clear I guess.