Since 2004, Thomas has accepted more than $4 million in donations, much of it undisclosed and only revealed thanks to dogged reporting by ProPublica and others. That is more than every other justice who has served on the court over those same years – combined. As MSNBC economic analyst Steve Rattner commented: “One of these justices is not like the others.”
According to data compiled by Fix the Courts, a nonprofit that advocates stricter ethical rules for the nation’s highest judicial body, the justice who accepted the second most gifts, the deceased Antonin Scalia, came it at just over $210,000; Samuel Alito, coming in third, took $170,000.
I call bullshit, the others probably knew how to hide it better because there is a history with them. Also, none of the justices should be taking gifts.
Friendly reminder, 5 out of 9 SCOTUS seem to have taken bribes:
- Jane Roberts, who is married to Chief Justice John Roberts, made $10.3 million in commissions from elite law firms, whistleblower documents show Note: It’s not in the title, but he presided over one of their cases.
- Calls for Clarence Thomas Impeachment Vote After Report Exposes Billionaire-Funded Trips
- Kavanaugh accuser Ford testifies she ‘believed he was going to rape’ her & The Mystery of Brett Kavanaugh’s Baseball-Ticket Debt
- FBI interviewed individuals who accuse Amy Coney Barrett faith group of abuse
- Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s staff prodded colleges and libraries to buy her books
- Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court
- Law firm head bought Gorsuch-owned property