Looks like we have a few subscribers to this community so I figured Id make a “poll” of sorts. Are most people already rocking the servarr stack or do we have anyone who is here to learn? If you already have a stack, whats your setup? Ill go first.
Im currently running my homelab on consumer hardware, just an old gaming PC I had. i7-4790k with 32gb of ddr3 ram and a gtx 1060. Im running truenas Scale on it, and I moved from ubuntu server. Ive got the whole *arr stack running except for whisparr along with a bunch of other self host programs like vault warden and audiobookshelf.
I’d never heard of *arr stuff before seeing thie community and am here to learn! I’ve dabbled in jellyfin before but nothing currently due to hardware issues.
Well welcome! Im sure you’ll get help here if you just ask!
I’m in a similar boat - I’ve tried the arrs but not successfully.
I have had most success installing stuff on my Unraid server. But an old windows laptop will work for sure too. There is a lot of good guides on YouTube and the https://trash-guides.info/ are valuable too!