There is no need to tell me I’m doing it wrong, I know and I don’t care 🤷‍♀️

  • @FrostyTrichs
    622 days ago

    There is no need to tell me I’m doing it wrong, I know and I don’t care 🤷‍♀️

    This is why I don’t post much lol.

    Do what you want and enjoy doing it imo. You guys have got some great things going. The only wrong way is not trying.

    • @[email protected]OP
      522 days ago

      I sometimes feel bad snapping back at reply guys but with this disclaimer I’m in the clear lol

      • @FrostyTrichs
        22 days ago

        Armchair experts with no real world experience are everywhere and love to tell other people what they’re doing wrong.

        Professionals love to “big brain” amateur posts and discourage people.

        Amateurs who are still learning love to preach about the latest thing they googled.

        I don’t have time for any of it, I’ve got a life to live. I do what’s best for my lifestyle/time/ability and that’s good enough for anyone who matters. Gonna smoke about it.

        Edit: missed a word. It’s hard to type in the shower.

  • teft
    522 days ago

    I’ll be that guy even if you don’t care. You really should plant the three sisters at different times. You plant the corn first so the beans have something to climb on. You plant the squash last so they shade the other two and help the soil retain water.

    These look lovely but you may have issues later in the season that won’t happen if you plant them in the correct order.

    • @[email protected]OP
      22 days ago

      deep breath

      1. Who the fuck asked?
      2. I know how the 3 sisters works.
      3. Nothing is stopping me from planting more beans and squash later, dipship.
      4. I have been planting 3 sisters for several years and I understand how the different seeds germinate and the speed at which the plants mature in my particular microclimate.
  • hamidM
    522 days ago

    It’s my way or the highway! Dig those seeds up I’m on lemmy I know best!