Picture shows a pride parade. A group of people are carrying a banner that says “LOCKHEED MARTIN” over a rainbow graphic.

  • @[email protected]
    6514 days ago

    Getting wealthy on war profiteering while wrapping yourself in the pride flag. Great, just great…

    • @[email protected]
      1114 days ago

      Is there at least any way we can leverage this so that bigots become literally scared of mistreating queer people? Like, if you deliberately misgender someone or use a homophobic slur everyone goes quiet and scatters in different directions because they are anticipating the drone strike.

      • @[email protected]
        14 days ago

        “My pronouns might be they/them, but yours are about to be were/was.”

        This message brought to you by Lockheed Martin: proudly supporting LGBTQ+ drone pilots worldwide.

      • @[email protected]
        14 days ago

        I’d say that it’s better to frame it as; lockheed supports lgbtq+ but lgbtq+ does not support lockheed as long as lockheeds business-model is based on killing people.

        • @Deceptichum
          714 days ago

          I’d say that it’s better to frame it as; lockheed does not support lgbtq+ but does support free publicity.

        • @VirtualOdour
          614 days ago

          I know it’s difficult but you don’t speak for everyone that isn’t straight, you don’t get to decide what the whole group thinks.

          Having sex with people of the same gender is not a political position, sexuality does not determine political and moral views. Plenty of gay people have political and moral perspectives which differ from your own and they are still valid in their sexuality.

          Pride should be for everyone who wants to celebrate LGBT, it’s not a political party. Yes that means people you don’t agree with politically get to celebrate too.

          • @[email protected]
            914 days ago

            Right wing queer people aren’t invalid in their identity, they’re just shunned for aiding people who will oppress all of us. Blaire White is a valid woman, but she’s not welcome at pride because she works to make our lives worse for short term gain. Bernie Sanders is cishet, but he’s welcome at pride for being a long time ally of queer rights.

            Pride isn’t for queer people by virtue of their identity; it’s for all people that fight for our right to proudly exist.

      • @[email protected]
        213 days ago

        Okay I’m all for equal treatment, but you sound fucking crazy right now. Do you know what you’re actually suggesting? Instilling fear of death in people committing a minor intolerance. That’s not a free society and it sounds like the start of a different monster of an oppressive system.

      • OBJECTION!
        113 days ago

        Oh, people associate queer people with drone strikes, alright. Not as much in the US but there are people around the world (global south, etc) who will take stuff like this at face value and hate queer people because they associate us with the US military. It generally doesn’t work out well for the queer people living there.

        • @[email protected]
          13 days ago

          Not as much in the US but there are people around the world (global south, etc) who will take stuff like this at face value and hate queer people because they associate us with the US military.

          Jesus fucking Christ, imagine believing this.

          Imagine being THIS into apologia for homophobia.

          And then pretending like you never said this, lol.

          • OBJECTION!
            13 days ago

            Multiple stealth edits lol.

            See if you can spot the differences:

            there are people around the world who will take stuff like this at face value and hate queer people because they associate us with the US military.

            long-standing homophobia in other countries is caused by the US military becoming relatively queer-friendly 10 years ago

            Can't read?

            “There are people” does not mean “this is the sole source of homophobia,” it means, “there are people.” It is obviously true that some people believe that, it’s just an objective fact about the world. There can still be long-standing homophobia and one of the ways in manifests and gets more people on board is what I mentioned, almost as if it’s a complex issue with multiple contributing factors.

            Also, the US can be tolerant or intolerant in reality, but that doesn’t always conform to people’s perceptions.

            I understand that you’re coming into this with a bone to pick with me, looking for any way to twist my words around. But maybe you, uh, shouldn’t do that.

          • OBJECTION!
            13 days ago

            Yeah, it’s very stupid. Lots of reactionaries will talk about the concept of queer people being “imported” from Western culture, while at the same time importing their own talking points from the Western far-right media sphere. Obviously, there’s plenty of queer history to be found all around the world, and in many cases homophobia was historically imported through Christian colonizers, but reactionaries aren’t exactly known for their historical literacy.

            Imagine being THIS into apologia for homophobia.

            Wait, now I’m confused. Did I misinterpret your comment as interpreting my comment correctly?

            Are you saying “imagine believing this” in response to people being homophobic, or in response to me acknowledging that homophobic people exist?

            • @[email protected]
              213 days ago

              “Imagine believing that long-standing homophobia in other countries is caused by the US military becoming relatively queer-friendly 10 years ago”

              • OBJECTION!
                113 days ago

                Ok I’m imagining it. Seems like a really dumb thing to believe. Not sure what that has to do with anything I said tho.

  • @[email protected]
    3514 days ago

    My first pride experience involved wearing a Kuffiyeh and shouting at my local military contractor’s HR department and the one visibly LGBTQ person as they strolled down the street appalled that people didn’t want them there.

    No pride in genocide,

      • @[email protected]
        1214 days ago

        You think an entire people are one dimensional religious fundamentalists, based on an article of clothing worn by an entire people, even their queers?

        Jesus fucking christ, you are being racist as hell

        • @[email protected]
          613 days ago

          Was hoping you’d be self critical and figure it out on your own.

          You think an entire people are one dimensional religious fundamentalists

          “Zionists” = Jews, an entire people.

          This meme portrays them as bloodthirsty psychopaths who fantasize about killing their own people via their mortal enemy because they are gay. My very close friend is a “Zionist”, ie a person with more complex feelings about the war than anyone on this goddamn site thinks is possible. A person who doesn’t want dead civilians or anything else, but was there when her friends were butchered in the streets. She also happens to be a lesbian, and the “average Zionist” is her.

          • @[email protected]
            1013 days ago

            “Zionists” = Jews, an entire people

            Are you unaware that anti-zionist Jews exist or do you deny their Jewishness?

              • @[email protected]
                110 days ago

                I just read your other more recent comments. You think its the old dog whistle usage when its clearly the literal Pro-Israel-Ethno-State meaning. I don’t know how you could interpret it as anything other than literal Zionists when the subject is their genocide in Gaza. “Zionist” here includes Biden and Trump.

          • @[email protected]
            813 days ago

            “Zionists” = Jews, an entire people.

            Unfortunately, zionism is not equivalent to a group of people. Zionism, at least in this context, is a geopolitical position, not an ethnic or religious group.

            To consider an entire population of people one-dimensional and hold a political position is harmful. I literally said this exact thing in an earlier comment.

            Zionism, at least in this context…

            To elaborate on this point, I’ll describe it in this context, and then describe it being used as an antisemitic dog whistle, so we should be on the same page.

            In this context, zionism is a political ideology based around settler colonialism, and it led to the founding of Israel, among many, many other consequences.

            The meme points out a really annoying tendency that I, as a queer person, and many others have seen when supporting palestine where pro-israel people will go “lol why do you support hamas, they will literally torture you and kill you for being LGBT” even though it is pro-palestine, not pro-hamas.

            In the antisemitic dogwhistle context, it is simply used as a stand-in for “the jews”. If you think this is the context people on the left are using, you lack all forms of critical reasoning.

            Based on what you said, this meme would indeed be racist if you view it from the antisemitic dogwhistle context. But it isn’t coming from there. To try and conflate the two is just trying to conflate opposition to a geopolitical position with racism.

            • @[email protected]
              113 days ago

              Says you. It is a fucking dog whistle for racists and telling me it isn’t with that stupid meme confirms it. It’s amazing how the term as been so whitewashed that even Jewish people buy it.

              • @[email protected]
                112 days ago

                I’m sorry, you are being silly and rejecting reality.

                Zionism literally is a political movement, founded by jewish people, with a desire to make their own state. Zionism isn’t new, and it is well over 100 years old. Check out this wikipedia article for a rundown.

                To say that it is only a dogwhistle is just a rejection of reality. But it is also a convenient rejection of reality because it lets you vilify political opponents.

          • @[email protected]
            113 days ago

            “Zionists” = Jews, an entire people As a Queer Jew genuinely what the hell do you mean by that? You do realize we’re not a monolithic hive mind?

            • @[email protected]
              113 days ago

              Zionists are Jews, not all Jews are Zionists. You are deliberately misconstruing my words so you can get mad.

      • @[email protected]
        614 days ago

        Sounds like you don’t understand Palestinians, if you’re going to paint them with such broad strokes.

  • @[email protected]
    3514 days ago

    I can’t say if this specific one is authentic but I would not be surprised, as my company does the same: branded pride flags, t-shirts for their LGBTQ+ employees. And I’m torn on this, because I feel a bit bad about the branding aspect of it, but on the other hand the company putting their name to openly support all sexual and gender identities does seem like a good thing to do…

    Yes, the irony of a company that produces more efficient ways of killing people being concerned with social issues does not escape me. But there are employees of the company who apparently support both (and good for them)

    • @[email protected]
      3114 days ago

      Any employee of Lockheed Martin who’s an ally attended on their own, not behind company branding. This is just a big business rainbowwashing itself. Using queer people as a tool to improve its own social capital.

    • @KnowledgeableNip
      413 days ago

      It’s also led by LGBT people and allies within the company. The goal is to make it a nicer place to work and recruit talent; whatever PR comes their way is just a perk.

  • @[email protected]
    13 days ago

    they might … you know … be gay and work at lockheed martin … and got their managers to pay for some shit for pride. maybe could submit expense reports and have the trip paid for …

    there were times when gay people couldn’t work at lockheed martin. i prefer this photo to that.

  • @[email protected]
    14 days ago

    Lockheed-Martin doesn’t commit war crimes, the governments you elected or didn’t, do the war crimes. They’re a weapon and aeronautical reasearch, development, and manufacturing company. Building weapons and planes and jets is something every single nation on Earth does (or buy from those that do). This is just as silly as Coca-Cola sponsoring Pride, maybe even more so if you knew what they’ve been up to.

    Corporations are not your friend or ally, rainbow or not. It doesn’t matter what they support because they are all in some way evil. But if people want their support in Pride, why not?

    • @[email protected]
      13 days ago

      Corporations want to be perceived as people, and they are protected by law as such. A person who knowingly manufactures weapons that are being used to commit a genocide is a psychopath. Psychopaths typically feign empathy to appear normal and blend in with society. Lockheed Martin supporting Pride is an example of such behavior.

      Of course corporations are profit maximization engines, not people. By allowing them to act like people, we are normalizing psychopathy.

    • @JohnDClay
      714 days ago

      The same plant makes missiles for Ukraine and bombs for Israel. Corporate doesn’t care, the governments need to instead.

    • @[email protected]
      413 days ago

      I hope you where paid by Lockheed-Martin. Don’t make unfair competition to public relationship

  • Lad
    2214 days ago

    If all of a sudden the white power movement had mass public support, these corpos would have their logos plastered over red, black, and white banners by next week. Fuck em.

    • Lad
      1014 days ago

      When the new gay CEO unfairly fires 2000 workers, gay and straight alike 🤑👌

    • @Socsa
      513 days ago

      IDK, I’d rather the people making the weapons be on our side.

      • @[email protected]
        913 days ago

        As a Queer person what the hell do you mean? The gears of the military industrial complex are lubricated with the blood of the innocent.

        • @Socsa
          713 days ago

          Do you believe that if the US didn’t make weapons, then everyone else would also just stop making weapons?

            • @[email protected]
              713 days ago

              It’s not like they’re arming queer people.

              … this may come as a shock, but the US and its allies are the primary countries upholding LGBT rights in their own nations at this point in time.

            • @[email protected]
              713 days ago

              You know what disarming leads to?

              Invasion by a hostile force.

              Just ask Ukraine. They’re a very peaceful people, very into disbanding the military, defunding the military industrial complex, even getting rid of fighter jets and their nuclear weapons.

              • @[email protected]
                413 days ago

                Ah yes because the US is going to be invaded by… Canada? Mexico? Uzbekistan? Seriously what the hell are you talking about? If you actually think that upholding the American empire has benefitted Americans then you’re just a liberal.

                • @[email protected]
                  613 days ago

                  The US isn’t about to be invaded by anyone. We have a very powerful military. So there is no threat in the world we live in, aside from the threat from internal extremists and asymmetrical warfare (ie terrorism). If the world were quite different, and we had no military power, we’d be at risk from a number of adversaries. Possibility the greatest threat would be foreign-backed “separatism” as occurred in Ukraine in 2014 (which is simply a covert invasion that is disguised as a civil war).

                  There’s literally nothing wrong with being a liberal. It’s really quite preferable to a number of the alternatives. It must kill you that the majority of people don’t remotely support your political views.

              • @[email protected]
                313 days ago

                The point where America stopped defending itself and started becoming a global empire (roughly after WWII).

                • @[email protected]
                  413 days ago

                  I’m sure the Soviet Union would have disarmed in response, as seen by their holsum reactions to democracy in what-would-become-the-Warsaw-Pact

    • @Birch
      113 days ago

      Lockqueer Martini is a great drag queen name

  • @[email protected]
    211 days ago

    So you don’t think national defense is a matter of life and death? You knew what you were saying calling for my death. Just admit that you can’t have a civilized discussion without calling for someone’s death.