If someone thinks that autists have trouble communicating, they just need to see us talk to each other!

(Also, I often identified as an alien as a kid.)

  • @[email protected]
    5 days ago

    I don’t know, I personally have trouble communicating with some fellow autistics sometimes. Autism is a spectrum after all, and I think individual autistic communication is also informed by cultural expectations (ethnicity, race, class, etc) albeit in a different way from how NT communication is shaped. Given that my cultural background is quite different from a typical person, I often run into problems when communicating with other autistics as well.

      • @[email protected]
        44 days ago

        That would need a whole article if I were to explain my background, but to put it succintly, I’m a third culture kid who lived in the US and went back to Indonesia.

  • psychonova
    85 days ago

    there’s a reason this always stuck with me as one of the first TNG episodes i ever saw, even though i’m pretty sure it wasn’t!

    • @[email protected]
      34 days ago

      I embrace it, in context of the cosmos aren’t we all creatures of space molded from the infinite potential of dna?

      Some people just don’t care to develop a sense of self awareness on such scale. Their loss.