As requested, a thread for general snarking that may not need its own post.

    3 months ago

    Careful - people who joined lemmy 2 days ago with only comments on the Polly pocket stuff will call you out on this 😂😂😂😂

      3 months ago

      The Briony defender is the same person that slams Alicia and defends Sarah, some call her Becci, others call her neighbour.

        3 months ago

        I don’t think any of the friends of TBP are on here, but commenting would mean they read and look at feedback, and possibly want to snark). If if they are here: Free Palestine! Land back! Learn about Sudan and DRC! Boycott Coke! Boycott Tim’s & McD’s! Speak up about consent! Call your friends out if they think consent is annoying! Call your friends out on plagiarizing! If your accounts are public, make them safe spaces! Tell your friends it’s unsafe to post their kids’ whereabouts all the time!

        But if they aren’t here, Bri has done a lot of work that is a copycat (like the bubble gum thing). I’m in the field and am paid well for what I do , and I’ve not lost out on business from Bri doing what she does, so her getting jobs doesn’t affect me. I’ve also done a lot of free projects, and I never post or allow photos or articles about pieces if it’s a nod to another piece (for a private commission) and I must disclose original artists for any variations I’ve done on different artwork.

        I think some of her work does have merit, but it’s just so weird and outdated to see pretty, white, thin, cisgender women (or white presenting, because I don’t know Bri’s background) constantly “hired” for things, and the same friend group showing up to each event.

        I’m sure Bri is a pleasant human with a passion for art, and that’s so cool! Art is awesome. Nobody needs perfection in all pieces, but sometimes suggesting craftspeople who are more capable is a way to uplift fellow artists and ensure the piece is done properly. And then, if there were a job that were more suited to her abilities than they would in turn, do the same for her. If I’m asked to do something I haven’t perfected I’ll bring a friend or fellow artist on and work with them, or pass along an artist’s name and simply say “I know someone who is more suited to this project”

        3 months ago

        Does Becci slam Alicia? I thought Alicia and bird poop were ‘friends’, has something changed? I have noticed there isn’t much interaction between them so who knows.

      2 months ago

      That’s fine. Come at me! Luckily art is subjective and I’m not inclined to compliment crap just to UpLiFt (white privileged) WoMeN (who steal creative ideas from hardworking individuals). With art comes critique and if one can’t handle criticism then they will never improve from utter crap to something meaningful and unique ✌️