It’s not like they’re famously listed in one of the most read sections of the most published book of all time, lmao.
You can just say “I’m an intellectually lazy moron who started my nonsense with aggression and is now throwing a hissy fit because I can’t Google the text of Exodus.”
It’s not like they’re famously listed in one of the most read sections of the most published book of all time, lmao.
You can just say “I’m an intellectually lazy moron who started my nonsense with aggression and is now throwing a hissy fit because I can’t Google the text of Exodus.”
…said the little troll after referring the ssuper sspecial sseckrit translation that only it knows… Yeah, suck it, loser.
Lol, it’s not a secret, it’s just been lied about and you’re too lazy and ignorant to read the actual text of Exodus.
Good luck with that 👍