It’s a scenario that terrifies America’s auto industry.

Chinese carmakers set up shop in Mexico to exploit North American trade rules. Once in place, they send ultra-low-priced electric vehicles streaming into the United States.

As the Chinese EVs go on sale across the country, America’s homegrown EVs — costing an average of $55,000, roughly double the price of their Chinese counterparts — struggle to compete. Factories close. Workers lose jobs across America’s industrial heartland.

    9 months ago

    If only US automakers had developed the electric car in, say, the early 90’s and then had the infrastructure and knowledge base in 2024 to produce an EV people (who aren’t automotive executives) could afford.

    OR, failing that, it would have been great after US automakers blew their entire savings on gas guzzlers and fucking went bankrupt sixteen years ago so the taxpayers gave them boatloads of free fucking money if they could have set aside some money, say, six billion, to develop an EV people could afford - that’d have been great.

    BUT THEY DIDN’T. Now China’s at the door and they’ve got it. Fuck. Uhhhhh . . Unfair trading advantage!! Help! Gummit! More money!

    US Automakers have shit the bed 1000 times. They can show themselves out.