I like to roleplay my characters, so I hardly do changes that are not “lore-friendly”
My main character is named Jeanne D’arc, a blondie holy warrior, yes I use basically full incantations, which is kinda hard to play most of the game, on the other hand I can one shot undead catacomb bosses, those black shades.
My last change was when I accidentally did the last part of the three fingers quest, I then assumed my character got crazy with power and fell over
Good side is, now I can use Maliketh’s big sword as a sort of “super sayian mode” from my one handed straight sword.
I love this game.
edit: her hair also changed color, from blond to black
That’s amazing, lol
I’ve definitely done a few “role play” characters in DS1 and DS3 too.
Those black shades can be one shot with a fire pot on a STR build lol
Just did that last night for
Sometimes switching builds is just the way to go. I didn’t even have to respec.
I struggled a bit against that boss last night too, but I finally had a successful attempt. I did switch to
Tap for spoiler
gear because it has high Focus, but I’m not sure how much that helped. I’m a faith build, and I assume this was another boss that was resistant to holy damage.
I assume so too because of his theme. A great shield was a good counter to him.
Had one sweaty player invade me that tried and I fucking kid you not 7 different one shot methods instead of just fighting me normally.
Remember how in Dark souls 3 there were pvp fight clubs where everyone would bow and properly fight instead of spamming aoe magic and running away for miles trying to find an enemy to hide behind.
you can just the arena
That’s forced honour. You also can’t have 6 people who take turns with the others watching and cheering on like in Dark Souls 3.
I’m way too stubborn. Outside of going over my equipment weight in the open world for convenience and dropping back to light load against a boss, I just bang my head against the wall until it breaks. Or go somewhere else to find a different wall to bang my head against.
Is there a dupe glitch that works for Larval Tears? 🤔
DS3 had an exploit for infinite respecs, but not being able to alter my appearance or name made it less useful. I have a whole swath of characters stopped at certain levels and I just wanna be able to change them to any theme at any time but there’s only like 20 tears per run through. :/