• @LaserTurboShark69
    304 days ago

    Shit got real when Mr Resetti pretended to erase your save file

  • @[email protected]
    154 days ago

    Fuck that guy. He permanently ruined multiple kids’ save files because life happened and they were too small to jump through his hoops. A child who is panicking because you yelled at them isn’t going to do a good job at the spelling game where you have to get the punctuation exactly correct.

    • atocci
      244 days ago

      Sometimes I would turn the DS off as a child when he popped up just to try to get a less annoying dialog on the next go-round

  • :O Ive been playing that gameee!! Well actually I gotta reinstall it cuz I played for a bit and accidentally removed it >v< It was the only Animal Crossing I hadn’t played and honestly I love it :3

    • @Makeshift
      84 days ago

      The internet has ruined me. I fully expected a punchline about uninstalling Life.

      Great game though, agreed. Stupid thing had me waking up at 6am as a child to attend morning aerobics.

      And Kiki stole something from me before I could save with it. I forget if it was an igloo item or a painting. I liked her but not at that moment! Looking back though, little frustrations like that made the game more charmingly alive.