My exped Synmat ul is starting to delaminate. It’s only a little bit yet, but that little bit is getting bigger, so i guess i will have to buy a new mat in the not so distant future, hope it will hold up for my current trip.

Any recommendations for a light, small packing isolated (i think mine has r 2.9 which is enough for me) and kind of silent mat? Long term usage recommendations welcome.

  • PurplePropagule
    1 year ago

    I gave them a call to ask about their warranty, they sent me a new one with no questions even though mine was several years out of their warranty period…

    There are so many situations where if you just talk to someone and be polite, they’ll bend over backwards to help you. I got loads of educational discounts back when I was in school for services that didn’t officially provide any because I just reached out. Always awesome to hear when companies (or at least the people who work for them) help out like that!