Youtube Channel SaveAFox, previously a channel about like, a fox sanctuary that showed cute footage of the foxes to get more donors, got hacked today.

It is now full of videos claiming to be from SpaceX and Elon Musk’s ugly mug.

Thing is

It’s not the first channel I’ve seen being hacked, nor is it the first to get that exact type of content spammed into it. Linus Tech Tips got hacked some time back (honestly I don’t remember how long ago, but I was already on Lemmy, so it was within the past year and change) and it had that exact type of stuff before LMG took it back.

And there was another random channel that I saw suffer the same fate some months before LTT.

My question is – Why Elon Musk? Why SpaceX/Tesla? Is Musk himself paying people to build zombie farms for him? I wouldn’t put it past him but at the same time he has the funds to not need that kind of tactic – He could astroturf by more “legit-looking” means.

Is it just because people who like Musk are more likely to fall for scams?

Idk, found myself wondering that.

    9 months ago

    Uh, ok. I do get what you mean, but that sounds so far-fetched that it’s a bit funny.

    In any case, the Elon-related scams are pretty much always about crypto, far as I can tell. There’s absolutely a profit motive there, they’re not just doing it to piss people off