Colorado's carpetbagging firebrand Rep. Lauren Boebert was busted on Mother's Day speeding nearly 20 mph over the speed limit in the Rocky Mountains, then failed to pay a $174 ticket on time.That's according to Westword, which reported Thursday that Boebert received the ticket May 12 but didn't pay ...
Wasn’t the original investigation about real estate?
Controversy over real estate was involved somewhere in the Clinton administration (the Whitewater scandal iirc), but I believe the articles of impeachment were issued over perjury committed while making statements under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky during some sexual harassment lawsuit/investigation.
So the articles of impeachment were drawn up after Clinton lied during a deposition during pretrial discovery for a sexual harassment case brought upon Clinton by Paula Jones.
The reason why Lewinsky was even brought up was because she was mentioned in the Starr report which was a report prepared for the house judiciary committee by independent counsel Ken Starr.
Ken Starr was appointed by Janet Reno, I think, originally to investigate the Clinton’s dealings with the Whitewater Land Company.
So if you connect all the red string the investigation was a real estate one that led to him lying about a blowjob.
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And even then, only lying by common-sense terms. He asked for specific definitions and answered accordingly.
Right, right. Why did reading that fill me with despair? Like, I just want some measure of justice served against the orange fascist.
I’m not sure… he was acquitted by the Senate in his impeachment trial, which is what happened to Trump (both times), and then the whole thing just faded into obscurity…
I just mean any justice? Like he just filed to have the hush money case dismissed due to the supreme court ruling.
We’ll see. Hopefully there’s no standing b/c it’s a State criminal case.