Do you personally help to reduce your own CO2 emissions? What should the country do to reach this goal? Who will be the winners / losers of all this?

    2 years ago

    I think massively expanding solar in a way that helps regular people would be great. Help normal people generate their own energy and let them actually save money from helping to transition to renewables. This is especially important to reach the rural people that often live in houses and are sceptical.

    Another important aspect would be to increase the density of public transport. In most rural places people just have to own a car and use it because public transport is not reliable at all. If you just tell these people to not use their cars it won’t help at all.

    Seperate bike routes would also help and would be great for cyclists and car drivers as they would make it safer for everyone.

    Personally I try to use public transport or a bike as much as possible. I also try to reduce my meat consumption. But in the end those decisions help very little and the focus should be on transport and companies. The regular people do not produce as much CO2 as corporations.