Donald Trump has not received a poll boost in the first presidential election survey conducted since the failed assassination attempt on Saturday.
The poll, conducted by Morning Consult of 2,045 registered voters on Monday, reveals that Trump is leading Joe Biden by just one percentage point on 46 percent, compared to the president’s 45 percent. The poll has a margin of error of +/- two percentage points.
What has baffled me for the past eight years is how many people, since day one, have not observed him for who he really is. I still can not comprehend how he was elected president and is again the nominee for the Republican Party.
He has zero redeeming qualities. By all measures, he has the record of being the worst president in modern times. But most people don’t actually care about legislation or politics or this country - they only care about themselves and the “vibe” they get from someone.
We live in a world where verifiable lies are shaping our reality. The people who claim to be patriots are traitors to the intent of this nation. I just do not understand how the brains of some people veil them from what’s being presented directly in front of them. Moreover, I have no idea how this doesn’t keep getting worse.
I have a friend who is obsessed with learning about cults, and he recently said that Trump’s speeches sound exactly like Jim Jones.
The way it works is that you say something kinda crazy and lose maybe 10% of your followers. Now you know what you can get away with with the other 90%. Repeat this until you get the 30-50% of people that will eat up anything you say (or won’t leave due to sunk cost fallacy/can’t admit that they were wrong), and you have Trump’s base.
These are people who have either drunk the Flavor-Aid, love him because he says the things they’re afraid to say out loud, or are just too deep now and can’t get out.
He has a cult of personality. They (the GOP) don’t seem to like him either based on how many of them denounced him at various points over the past 8 years, but they know he’s their best chance of winning, so they made him the candidate. They don’t care who the candidate is, as long as it’s one of their people.