She’s been drinking a mug of black coffee with me in the mornings occasionally. I have a drip maker that I put 4 teaspoons Maxwell House in. Nothing beyond that.

I got this message around 11AM. We drank the coffee around 715-730.

I get that I wasn’t exactly the most sensitive I could have been, but I’m a rural mail carrier. I had to respond while stopped at a mailbox and we are GPS tracked. I get in trouble if I spend too much time stopped.

    7 months ago

    So, the problem is… if they haven’t explicitly worked on it, it’s more likely that their fiancee just isn’t communicating problems to them and is just letting them fester inside and telling them everything is ‘fine’. Everyone is different, but statistically women are the initiators for the majority of divorces and one of the key commonalities is that it’s tremendously common that the men were surprised because they thought things were going great and their former partner was ‘different’ and ‘special’. The majority of us aren’t going to be special though. There’s a reason it’s one of the first things you learn about in marriage counseling (Honestly, it’s nearly the entirety of marriage counseling) and if you think you’ve solved the problem, it’s more likely that you just aren’t doing it right.