• @PotentialProblem
    132 months ago

    I don’t know if I’m in the wrong circles… but I’m not seeing any of this… even on the internet.

    • Album
      62 months ago

      I only see MAGA folk on Lemmy talk about it.

    • mozz
      42 months ago

      I think a certain grouping is trying HARD to insert it into the discourse. Case in point, this article, which wraps up a core of an original fair statement (that Biden is being ignorant and stubborn in refusing to acknowledge reality and that that’s a problem) in layer upon layer of interpretive dance so as to make the phrase “blue MAGA” fit that situation, even though they acknowledge at the end of the article that it doesn’t really make any sense at all.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Everyone knows MAGA and anyone who supports it are complete idiots who’ve been brainwashed.

        They’re just trying to do the same thing they’ve always done which is “See the other side is also just as bad as us! We’re all the same.”

        Same old bullshit coming from brainwashed conservatives from the fascist playbook but it only works on other MAGA idiots because normal people aren’t as stupid and gullible as they are.

  • Album
    92 months ago

    Ah yes the spectre like Blue MAGA. An invisible enemy where no one can find anyone who identifies with it.

    Straight out of the fascist playbook.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      I’m sure they exist, but they don’t constitute the entire party.

      One thing I found weird/hilarious during the 2020 campaign was the obsession of both (some) dems and (many) repubs to draw superhero versions of their preferred candidate with beefcake muscles and a massive underwear bulge, as if they aren’t both sacks of lard who is one sneeze away from their respective deathbeds. At least this fixation doesn’t seem as prevalent on the dem side, though.

  • mozz
    12 months ago

    calls for Joe Biden to step aside have been met not with thoughtful critiques or reasoned counter-arguments but with furious accusations of treason, disloyalty, and betrayal.

    Holy shit fuckin TREASON? I mean, honestly that’s a fair point. Trump actually does want to put people to death for disagreeing with him, so if Biden’s gone that far, that actually does make it a pretty fair analogy. Maybe I was wrong to say that the people saying “blue MAGA” are laughably full of shit.

    And so, eager to hear how wrong I was, I clicked the link and read the rest of the article, looking for where treason came into the picture. It turned out that mostly what they mean is that people on Twitter wrote hostile comments, and that sometimes Biden says things in interviews that they don’t think are accurate.




    Basically no different than shooting protestors I tell you

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Yup just idiots parroting the same insults they receive to try and muddy the waters and make it seem like both sides are the same. Nope, only one side wants a fascist dictatorship that completely supports a conman child rapist with a third grade education.

      Also it’s hilarious that they’re still using maga. Make America great again again? Did they fail at it the first time? What a silly question. Of course they failed at it because they did literally nothing except damage the country as much as possible.

  • Maeve
    12 months ago

    And what’s one of the main reasons why they won’t say it on the record? Because they’re afraid. That’s not my opinion – it’s theirs. “I wish I was more brave,” NBC News quoted one anonymous Democratic state party chair as saying. “I would be crucified by them if I spoke out of line.” This person spoke on the condition of anonymity, according to NBC, “because they fear retaliation from the president’s camp”.

    Again, sound familiar?

    So let’s talk about the Democratic president in the White House, who is fast becoming an unlikely and unexpected cult leader. And yet, do you remember Trump’s infamous declaration that “I alone can fix it”? Here’s Biden, in his interview with Stephanopoulos:

    “And who’s gonna be able to hold Nato together like me? Who’s gonna be able to be in a position where I’m able to keep the Pacific Basin in a position where we’re – we’re at least checkmating China now? Who’s gonna – who’s gonna do that?”

    Do you remember how Trump obsessed over the And what’s one of the main reasons why they won’t say it on the record? Because they’re afraid. That’s not my opinion – it’s theirs. “I wish I was more brave,” NBC News quoted one anonymous Democratic state party chair as saying. “I would be crucified by them if I spoke out of line.” This person spoke on the condition of anonymity, according to NBC, “because they fear retaliation from the president’s camp”.

    Again, sound familiar?

    So let’s talk about the Democratic president in the White House, who is fast becoming an unlikely and unexpected cult leader. And yet, do you remember Trump’s infamous declaration that “I alone can fix it”? Here’s Biden, in his interview with Stephanopoulos:

    “And who’s gonna be able to hold Nato together like me? Who’s gonna be able to be in a position where I’m able to keep the Pacific Basin in a position where we’re – we’re at least checkmating China now? Who’s gonna – who’s gonna do that?”

    Do you remember how Trump obsessed over the size of his crowds, both at campaign rallies and at his inauguration? Here’s Biden, responding to a question from Stephanopoulos on how he plans to “turn the campaign around”:

    “You saw it today. How many – how many people draw crowds like I did today? Find me more enthusiastic than today? Huh?”size of his crowds, both at campaign rallies and at his inauguration? Here’s Biden, responding to a question from Stephanopoulos on how he plans to “turn the campaign around”:

    “You saw it today. How many – how many people draw crowds like I did today? Find me more enthusiastic than today? Huh?”

  • Monkey With A Shell
    02 months ago

    There’s not one candidate that polls in any measurable way better than Biden vs Trump.

    Put this superhero out there that will not only retain the existing support but draw away people who are so furiously infatuated with Trump as to declare him effectively divine.

    If you have nobody then STFU with this ‘blue maga’ bit.

    • mozz
      32 months ago

      It differs from poll to poll, but Kamala Harris generally polls a couple points ahead of Biden. She’s the only one. However, I consider it pretty unlikely that that’ll still be true after the chaos of replacing the nominee, and once the misinformation-machine spins up which is currently getting people to think that Biden was bad for the economy or differed in any negative way from standard US foreign policy (for as fucking war-criminal awful as it is) towards Israel. I think once she was in the crosshairs, she would fall significantly behind where Biden is now.

      I could be wrong. And we’re also betting with that calculus that Biden doesn’t commit any more egregious fuckups like the debate. I don’t actually know what the right answer is. I do know that the same people swearing it’s a great idea to replace Biden have also been lying their asses off trying to hurt him in the election since long since replacing him became a mainstream thing. That doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t a way to do it that works out to be a good strategy, but it does bias me a certain amount against the idea.

      • Monkey With A Shell
        22 months ago

        The ones I’ve seen for Kamela had her about equal with Biden and more of the ‘undecided’ sided to Trump. For me it’s a question of give me someone with a 5-10+ here because the numbers have floated by +/- 5 points either way for months.