Let’s say there are consequences where all genetic alterations are difficult to sandbox and largely irreversible during an extended, but still finite lifetime of around half a millennia.
- changes will be passed down to your offspring
- any change may make you sterile, but large changes will always make you sterile
- alterations are most effective when done under the age of 20 and do not fully manifest for decades
- if you screw up your code it might be deadly
- biology as an engineering corpus is several orders of magnitude more complex than computer science was in the 21st century – screwing up is very easy
- any adaptation present in evolutionary life is technically possible to someone dumb enough to try and brilliant enough to pull it off
These are the rules, what do you change?
Vagina dentata
Vagina dentata (Latin for ‘toothed vagina’) is a folk tale tradition in which a woman’s vagina is said to contain teeth, with the associated implication that sexual intercourse might result in injury, emasculation, or castration for the man involved.
Well that’s my something new for today.
Inb4 all the furries show up wanting to become their fursonas.
I’m getting gills so I can breathe under water.
I take lungs now, gills come next week
We’ve all seen where that story arc leads. It gets dark
I’m going full culture and getting drug glands
2 brains? You bawler!
Side benefits of near immortality
Give myself the ability to recover from more severe injuries given a good space of time to uncripple myself.
Extend my lifespan. Maybe just another 50 years, I’m not too greedy. But with relative youth. I don’t want to lose my good looks to age any sooner than I have to.
Get rid of my genetic disorders.
No cancer.
Adjust my taste buds for health food.
If I go sterile, it’s a bonus, honestly.
I would cure the medical conditions I do have. That’s about it.
Reduce my penis size.
Give my hair back and make me not allergic to anything.
Can I just pay some smart person to do it for me? I couldn’t handle my 100 level CS courses 20 years ago, I’m definitely not making updates in production on my own body. Oh who am I kidding I couldn’t afford to pay someone that smart.
Self-deprecation aside, I don’t know of any non-human features I’d want, I’d just wanna OC my metabolism for a while.
Conscious control and awareness over all bodily functions (when I want it if I don’t then I can ignore it to the point where it is automatic again.)
Allow backups.
I’m growing two huge demon horns on my head and you can’t stop me! Also a dragon tail probably some scales and gills. Now am I asking for too much with a bio luminescent uh… Penis?
Your future selfies are all over the internet already. Live your dreams!