I’m continuously looking on Romhacking.net for new and exciting ROM hacks, and for the past couple of days, I’ve felt like a big news article was coming. I probably shouldn’t have been looking while drinking a cup of tea because I almost choked when I saw how good this new arrival was. Put down your […]
I’m playing it now, pic related:

Make sure to apply the patch to a USA v1.0 ROM. European ROMs and further versions don’t work.
EDIT: Zingers, Zingers everywhere. Probably to balance.
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speranzaYoshi, voi che entrate - Yoshi is gone as you enter a new level.I keep trying to roll against the enemies, but Mario doesn’t roll.
I don’t recognise the music being used in the bonuses. Is this from Zelda? The music in Coral Capers (the water stage) is the same as SMW’s water levels though.
The shortcut between Coral Capers and Funky’s Flight still works!